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Topic, Neon Defence feature list

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AK 14 years ago
  IT'S MARC'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M GONNA MAKE A LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hexicube 14 years ago
  DY I think thats a bit too extreme tbh...I cant work out where along the path the disk is!
AK 14 years ago
  Star Tower, MARC?
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  teleporters- Two enemies will cary a large disk, they will move slow from the weight. When one is killed it will move even slower, and when both enemies are killed the large disk will drop to the ground. It will stay in this posision for the rest of the wave.
During the next wave, the first 25% of the enemies will start from this point. It will disapear after this.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I did, I just didn't like them XP
unrupters does give me an idea though, healers...they have a LOT of health and can transfer health between other creeps to balance them out...basically its combining its own health with others XP
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Did you see my other post?

"Erupters- explode when they die, damaging surounding enemies. (helps the player out)

Unrupters- when they die they heal sourounding enemies"
Hexicube 14 years ago
  yes no no maybe and no :P
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Enemy... |:p


It may have an incredibly high amount of health (pain killers FTW) but it doesn't exactly know which direction the finish is in... (randomly goes backward and forward along the path)

Tower feature... |:p

Collapse Attack

This may destroy your tower, but it kills all lower creeps and slows down higher ones in its collapse radius.

Pathfinder... |:p

Segregated Waypoints

These waypoints are for different types of creeps (e.g. you have 3 paths. You can use these waypoints to sent one type of creep down one pathway, another type down another road, etc.)

Game mode... |:p

Uphill Battle

You have a set amount of towers (up to 9). Make them count.

Feature... |:p

Mouse-aimable Tower Toggle

A toggle for whether the towers aim where your mouse is pointed or aim automatically. Can be toggled to Automatic aim, All aim at mouse and Nearest aims at mouse.


Most of this probably won't even make it in. |:p
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I was planning an having that info readily available XP
also, I looked at my CPU usage, 4 towers and about 30 creeps is eating away at my for that reason, neon will probably end up going, however I will run a test first...
[edit] barely any change, its not the neon...
[re-edit] I cant work it out, idk if the lag is a big issue tbh but I am using one of six 2.8GHz cores to run it so I think some people may end up with probs...
time for adding lots of towers ;)
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Spy Tower: Tells you the enemies in the next wave
Hexicube 14 years ago
  had another times...
Hexicube 14 years ago
  yeah...I was examining lag from pathfinder ;)
also towers can use different target selecting modes: nearest, closest to end(finishing off), or closest to start(wearing down)
this should allow for a tad more strategy in how players prepare their towers...
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Cool! They work good, they are more evil then I imagined, maybe thats because you can only place 3 towers in that test level.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  added distractor too...forgot to mention XP
also, due to the way I did the level data, adding more features should be easier in the future...should any arise ofc :P
Hexicube 14 years ago
  waypoints are working! see them in action!
Current Version
note that I mentioned allowing 'clusters' of waypoints to be done in any order, I wont add that :P
Hexicube 14 years ago
  meh idk...I need to get waypoints working first...
SuperDog 14 years ago
  Idea for the enemy factory: How about it gives you more money(if there is money, which, in most defence games, there is)? Like the unsimplifier in paper mario and the thousand year door which makes it harder to perform action commands, but gives more coins.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
Enemy Factory- After you build it, the tower creates extra enmies each wave (1 per second until the wave ends). These enemies are regular enemies.
The purpose is strategy. Say you have a section near the end where enemies keep dieng before they get too. You could create an enemy factory near this unused stretch. Your towers in that area can easily kill these extra enemies and you will gain extra cash.
However building such a tower is extreamly dangerouse, as it is extra enemies that can potentially harm your base!
Upgrading this tower will make it spit out enemies faster.
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Yep, I saw and noticed why you spelt it wrong. |:p
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  you know i was spelling the names wrong on purpose,
it was "distrackers" because they deviate from the "track" thus it was "distrack", which sounds like distract, but i guess if they dont rotate around the tower that name wont make sense.
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Tower... |:p


Very powerful because it rams into enemies full force, in the direction of the nearest, until it gets to the other side of the road. Takes a long time to reload because it has to turn around, and may be a bad idea on levels with wide roads. :/
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  I supose you could just make it stop, but then you have to have it do something cool while it's stopped. Maybe it would inflate really big when it stops.


Erupters- explode when they die, damaging surounding enemies. (helps the player out)

Unrupters- when they die they heal sourounding enemies
Hexicube 14 years ago
  quicksand - bit too harsh
distracters - towers focus on one enemy at a time, I could just make it stop...
artilhurry - XD
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  New modes:

Quicksand mode- For experienced players, all towers will be destroyed within 5 turns of building.

New enemys:

Distrackers- They contain higher hp then normal enemies. Once hit they rotate around the tower that hit them, causing that tower to focus on them while other enemies slip by.

Artilhury- stays by the start area and Launches enemies towards the finish. Enemies will get damaged upon landing, but cannot be hurt while in the air.
AK 14 years ago
  OK, now for a good suggestion:

Power Up mode:

For more experienced players. Only a certain amount of towers can be placed, and creeps have 2x the health.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  yes, I dont think it will be used though...ill list it...
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
I sugested it a million times and you said maybe a million times, so i assume you know the idea by now.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  idk...but right now I have some problems of my own...
also, the waypoint idea might not get implemented as fully as I wanted, you will only be able to make an ordered set of waypoints...
gamelover101 14 years ago

So marc, when will you implement the features?
gundu 14 years ago
  What do you think, It's Gamelover, The guy who don't even know anything about Mario!

Ps: I think It's my Comeback

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First post of the topic

Hexicube 14 years ago
  Feel free to post any possible features you think would suit neon defence. The features can be anything from new tiles and creeps, to different gameplay modes, or even special tiles used in the pathfinder.

Current features:
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