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Topic, Level "Mini Game Cave", game "Jump Gear 2"

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Coolguy52 5 years ago
  I don't wonder any more - turns out that this is really unoptimized!
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  Cool! I wonder how in the world you got that xP

TBH, I'm not super good at this one. Though I have above 13k, I can barely scrape Pof's score now.
popo2 6 years ago
  Highscore by just almost a second!!
Dynamo 9 years ago
  Finally! Highscore on everything!
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  2nd.... NO!!!!!

EDIT: YES!!! The scores are 100% legitimate
funguy161 9 years ago
  This Is Coolguy, All Right.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  Oh... Sorry for falsely accusing you then.
kiethy342 9 years ago
  I just did it with like 11 seconds left, so they're not impossible. Plus my score is amazing :P
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  I think the top 2 are impossible, sorry if I'm mistaken, but 12 seconds? Really? I'm 50/50 as I did it in 6... but then again, I was called 70 second Cave a while ago...
Coolguy52 12 years ago
  I'm Done Now!
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Interesting score kiethy. :P

Agree with Elizea, fill-ins or bg formations, or what kiethy said might help. Also, some lines are messy at the ends.
kiethy342 13 years ago
  Maybe you could put stalegtites and staligmites on with decoration? Theat might make it look nicer.
Elizea 13 years ago
  Rethink the title.

Maybe some more decoration?


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Elizea 13 years ago
  Rethink the title.

Maybe some more decoration?
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