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Topic, Path System

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allyally 12 years ago
  Update [0.7]
-Bug Fixes
-Example project added
-Library layout changed
allyally 12 years ago
  Ill make an example project, But suspect youre an AS2 user, yes? This is in AS3,
AK 12 years ago
  Geez.... I have NO idea how I would EVER use this... too complicated XD
allyally 12 years ago
  Updated... Ish, I had some spare time in an ICT lesson and made a few little changes. Bare in mind they were done in notepad, so I cant guarentee that they work until tonight. But Im reasonably confident.

Updates [V 0.6]:
-Improved accuracy
-Minor code efficient improvements,
birjolaxew 12 years ago
  Interesting. Definitely interesting. I'll be sure to check it out later (Especially the source). Great work!
allyally 12 years ago
  Best shot at learning: Get a book, (seriously they help a lot) or learn it from someone else in person,
SimonM 12 years ago
allyally 12 years ago
  Hi, Ive been working on a small project that allow you to partially recreate JPs game Paths. my Project is a small external library that makes creating games with a similar movements easy, which you can download Here [V 0.7] AS3


How it works:

First you'll need an Array of 'blNode's which have a value of x,y & speed, these are the node locations,

Then you'll need a 'blPath', this does the real stuff, this take in your array of nodes, an array of targets (which objects to move), a 'Global Speed' value, & a directioning Boolean (if set to true, the objects will point towards the next node).

Once you've created these, then you'll need your own Enter_frame event to make it actually Go...

blNodes properties & functions (blNode extends Point):
blNode.speed:uint (0 to 200)

blPath properties & functions:
blPath.realSpeed() (gets the actual speed of the path, effected by node Speeds)

blRect (creates 4 blNodes from a rectangle) properties & functions:
blRect.setSpeed (nodeToChange:uint, new_Speed:Number)
blRect.setGlobalSpeed ( new_GlobalSpeed:Number) (sets all node speeds to the new global speed)
blRect.setRectangle (rectangle:Rectangle)
blRect.getNodes ():Array
blRect.toString ():String

Next Update
- Circular paths
- more suggestions welcome

[<<] [1] [2]

Flash game development

First post of the topic

allyally 12 years ago
  Hi, Ive been working on a small project that allow you to partially recreate JPs game Paths. my Project is a small external library that makes creating games with a similar movements easy, which you can download Here [V 0.7] AS3


How it works:

First you'll need an Array of 'blNode's which have a value of x,y & speed, these are the node locations,

Then you'll need a 'blPath', this does the real stuff, this take in your array of nodes, an array of targets (which objects to move), a 'Global Speed' value, & a directioning Boolean (if set to true, the objects will point towards the next node).

Once you've created these, then you'll need your own Enter_frame event to make it actually Go...

blNodes properties & functions (blNode extends Point):
blNode.speed:uint (0 to 200)

blPath properties & functions:
blPath.realSpeed() (gets the actual speed of the path, effected by node Speeds)

blRect (creates 4 blNodes from a rectangle) properties & functions:
blRect.setSpeed (nodeToChange:uint, new_Speed:Number)
blRect.setGlobalSpeed ( new_GlobalSpeed:Number) (sets all node speeds to the new global speed)
blRect.setRectangle (rectangle:Rectangle)
blRect.getNodes ():Array
blRect.toString ():String

Next Update
- Circular paths
- more suggestions welcome
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