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Topic, My Music Game

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Im 15 years ago
  No, he means 31 December 2011.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  yay I was right :D
why then? (jan 1st 2010 maybe?)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Your time to help will come sometime in 2010. ;)
Or maybe 2011.....

And yes, my samples are less than a millisecond.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  the sound files are tiny anyway, or so I think, maybe only just what is needed for the loop, an extremely small(not even a millisec) loop?
jp 15 years ago
  It looks interesting and ambitious too :)

[edit]Don't forget that if you use Flash 10 you can even modify the pitch of a sound, wich means you need only one small loop for every sound. BUT I've never tested if BL is compatible with Flash 10 games. Should work but not tested.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  gecko, I could help, I have a lot of free time on my hands...
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Please cheapuggs,
stop posting that link.
We are not very intrested in that article.
cheapuggs 15 years ago
  that sounds very good.I want to play this game to.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  yay something happened :D
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I just realised that even sounds that last for a fraction of a second loop pretty well in Flash, I never new that worked! So, this means when I get round to creating this game the file won't be clogged up with large .wav files, and I can safely include more sounds. Or what I might do is blackmail my school for a copy of Flash CS3, then get all those extra sound modification advantages!

Anyway my ideas for this game have changed radically. Now it's going to be closer to a 2D version of Amplitude. I feel that I might be able to pull this off soon. P4M is my first priority, then this, or maybe another game inbetween. It will be great! :D
Hexicube 15 years ago
  By the time you start it you'll be WAY better at flash than you are now :D
I'd offer to do it for you but i'm busy on a different game that's for BL...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Umm, look three comments below... (-_-)'
murtaza64 15 years ago
  This game is dead?
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Well, my Laptop should be fixed in 1-3 days so I can start(probably finish) it and give you credit for the idea...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Of course! I won't make it for a long time though, because I have a few other games in mind for after I finish P4M. I will make this one day, but I will be a few years at least before I start it.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  ...If this is still on then I coud help with the colour and sound and block removal stuff(when my PC works). Please let me help gecko!
niimporta 15 years ago
  Cool Idea!
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Wow, and you wouldn't even need much knowledge in actionsctipt. Just make each clip play when a wheel touches it.
jp 16 years ago
  @gecko, did you already seen this audio experiment by andre Michelle ?
You need FP10 to run it. This could be a good inspiration for a music game.
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Oh, so in 'MyGameManager' I can create commands for my game!
jp 16 years ago
  gecko, once you've added this line( MyXxxxManager=... ), you have to modify the and implement the main method for the game engine :
blPlayLvl ( data: as2 String as3 ByteArray , official: Number )

When this method is called by the BL API (typically when you click on the PLAy button for a level), the game engine is supposed to display the level and let the player play it.

Once the player has completed the level call BLManager.lvlCompleted (true, score).

That's all you have to do to make a basic implementation.
geckojsc 16 years ago
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  You will have to take a closer look at this:
"In the first frame of your game and editor, add var BLManager:MyXxxxManager = MyXxxxManager(this); (Xxxx=Game or Xxxx=Editor). This is your BL manager, that receives comands from the BL user interface (typically, a command is sent from the BL interface to the, when a user want to play or to a level). "
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Yes, I have looked at that.
I don't understand what code I should use on the very first frame of my swf.
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Have you taken a look at this?
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Thanks, but in the intro screen, what code should I add to start the BL interface and make everything work right like it would in any other BL game?

Or should I just make the game without the API and then add it in when I've finished?
jp 16 years ago
  gecko, I know Captain wanted to make a tutorial.

If you don't want to spend too much time on the BLAPI, you can already work on those 3 simple methods (it will be very easy from these methods to implement the API, I can make it for you) :

game.swf : playLevel(lvldata) >> start the level
editor.swf : editLevel(lvldata) >> edit the level
editor.swf : getEditedData() >> returns the level data currently edited
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Well, I haven't been working on it very much, mainly because I'm waiting for someone to make a tutorial or a guide or some more clear instructions on how to use the BL API.
I will finish the game one day! (it will take a long time though)
gameinsky 16 years ago
  is this project stil running ?
doomlord 16 years ago
  If you need any other images, just ask.

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Flash game development

First post of the topic

geckojsc 16 years ago
  For BL, I want to make a music game, a little bit like Music Bounce, if you've ever played that.

I have a faint idea of what I want it to be about.
You have a dot, with which you must dodge and collect a load of blocks.

When the blocks hit the bar at the bottom of the screen, they play a sound. In the editor you can mix the different sounds together to make a song.

This is my checklist:

1. Collect sounds. +
2. Create a movieclip for every sound. X
3. Create engine. X
4. Create editor. X

There are probably other things I will have to do, but I'm gonna need a lot of help!
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