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Topic, Level "Little Cliff Forest", game "Jump Gear 2"

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CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  I must admit I'm perplexed about that myself. I guess I accidentally "played" it instead of "tested" it with the Jump Gear moved farther ahead, cause I just attempted it and there's no way I'm that fast anymore lol. You can delete the score.

I'm also confused as to why MatthijsM is shown as an additional editor. I don't remember him helping me on this level, and at any rate only the beginning (which I ended up changing) was even built when I starting finishing this UNF level.

Anyway, thanks for the compliments Ferrari. It is supposed to be a bit of an HSF btw (anyone who fought with me back in the day will probably remember that I was a big proponent of HSF levels that aren't always smooth) but I couldn't fit HSF in the title while still having the title look nice. :P
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  It does not take long to figure out who made this level just by looking at the way it is designed, and your unique style really shines here. The level is also very fun to play. Well done!

But how did you get such a high score?


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Ferrari12 10 years ago
  It does not take long to figure out who made this level just by looking at the way it is designed, and your unique style really shines here. The level is also very fun to play. Well done!

But how did you get such a high score?
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