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Topic, BL Rooms HP Collab

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Ferrari12 13 years ago
  You have to add everybody who contributed on the level as editors ...

Let Kiethy decide if it's ok or not, but definately don't delete me after I'm done.
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  I guess I'll join....if I can, of course.
AK 13 years ago
  Um...... 0.0


Oh, to get credit?

Your names should be in your room....
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  But you are going to add him again when the level is finished, right?
AK 13 years ago
  Because he's done...

Too many editors at one time = super laggy
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  AK: Why have you removed Kiethy from the editors?
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  Alright! I'll start!
AK 13 years ago
  Whoa... Great! More people!!

OK, Daft_Punk, you're next. Make the auto wherever you want. I'll edit all the rooms in the end, making the "doorways" so that all rooms can be accessed.

EDIT: Wait Kiethy, it's impossible to get in and out of yours... 0.0

Well, I'll just edit it to make it the last room in the level.
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  Ya, true...Maybe I'll stay!
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @DP, you can still make your part an auto that leads to the next room you know. :)
azz 13 years ago
  OK I will join.
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  Wait I just realized this is a Hog Pop collab...all I've made in Hog Pop are autos...

I think I'll drop out of this one... :(
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  I could try :)
SleathPilot 13 years ago
  ll join........I
kiethy342 13 years ago
  My part's done!
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  I'll join :)

@DP I have the exact same apocalypse problem too! It's a small world. :P
loulou465 13 years ago
  could I join in?
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  I seem to be joining every collab that everyone makes, so I guess I should join this one!

If I didn't, the world would end, so I just saved everyone's lives! >:)
AK 13 years ago
  BL Rooms (Hog Pop)

Anyone want to do a collab in HP? Every person who wants to join can join.

Basically, we all get the same sized box, or "room". In that room, you can make whatever you want. But, that's as much as you can do. You cannot change the room dimensions, and you can't change the size or type of the walls (that would interfere with other's rooms).

Also, you MUST have at least 5 bubbles in your room, and a max of 25. You also have to have your name somewhere in your room.

Change of plans. Since it's getting laggy and half of the people are gone, only 9 will be in it.

Any takers?

BL Rooms Collab:
AK (Finished)
Kiethy342 (Finished)
Daft_Punk (Finished)
SleathPilot (Finished)
Ferrari12 (Finished)
Gamelover101 (Finished)
Loulou465 (Not Found)
Dynamo (Starting)

[<<] [1] [2] [3]


First post of the topic

AK 13 years ago
  BL Rooms (Hog Pop)

Anyone want to do a collab in HP? Every person who wants to join can join.

Basically, we all get the same sized box, or "room". In that room, you can make whatever you want. But, that's as much as you can do. You cannot change the room dimensions, and you can't change the size or type of the walls (that would interfere with other's rooms).

Also, you MUST have at least 5 bubbles in your room, and a max of 25. You also have to have your name somewhere in your room.

Change of plans. Since it's getting laggy and half of the people are gone, only 9 will be in it.

Any takers?

BL Rooms Collab:
AK (Finished)
Kiethy342 (Finished)
Daft_Punk (Finished)
SleathPilot (Finished)
Ferrari12 (Finished)
Gamelover101 (Finished)
Loulou465 (Not Found)
Dynamo (Starting)
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