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Topic, Level "Turn 4", game "BLockoban"

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ToughMan 13 years ago
  It has turned into a great challenge. Nice work Monty on improving it. 5/5.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  *points out the first comment*

Misleading much? XP
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  I feel that this is a much better fit for the game, a challenge and fun to solve. 5/5
Monty 13 years ago
  Ok fair enough. It drove me a little bit insane trying to solve it. I've changed the design now and it's quite a bit easier. What do you reckon?
ToughMan 13 years ago
  Although i find a great potential and challenge on this lvl, I have to agree with OMG. I suggest starting with a smaller size (i.e. 2x2 then move on to 3x3 and see if this really makes 4x4 interesting). In my mind it would be best on a 3x3.

I DO APOLOGIZE. I didn't see the 3x3 before addressing this one. I revisit my position and think 3x3 is enough.
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  This level is rejected. The level is designed well enough but I personally feel a level requiring 441 moves probably isn't in the best interests of the players or the game.
I would like to know how the other players feel.


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oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  This level is rejected. The level is designed well enough but I personally feel a level requiring 441 moves probably isn't in the best interests of the players or the game.
I would like to know how the other players feel.
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