Oops. I seem to have rushed this one. Sorry. Can you add the outside targets OMG. I think there is a much better challenge in getting the first blocks into position with the limited movement. I think I'll try some similar designs without the outside blocks and maybe without the white.
I agree. I have solved it both ways, 48 without the targets and 64 with. In the spirit of the series I feel that targets need to be there. What do you think Monty? edit-How about turning it into two levels. One with the outside targets and one without?
Don't know if it is on purpose or not but i think outside targets are needed...for the challenge. Again, a great continuance of the series Monty. 5/5. Fyi, it is possible but needs more moves.
Don't know if it is on purpose or not but i think outside targets are needed...for the challenge. Again, a great continuance of the series Monty. 5/5. Fyi, it is possible but needs more moves.
Move the white up ...