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Topic, Gone for good.

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SuperMario 12 years ago
  @Manufan: Yes, 3 times, I counted them using 3 of my 10 fingers :)
gamelover101 12 years ago
  Woah. Sorrie bro. :S
chris3000 12 years ago
  Bye AK, :(

My dad always told me no matter who disrespects you, be yourself.
manufan 12 years ago
  Too many to count. xD
SuperMario 12 years ago
  ... I mean 4. xD
manufan 12 years ago
  No, I think about 5...
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Manufan, 3 times.

Jasper: Gamelover is 60% serious and 40% of him is that he makes jokes.
manufan 12 years ago
  I can't even count how many times he's left. xD
nachos 12 years ago
  @Gameinsky.. I know that he left before.. I was here for the last one :)
gameinsky 12 years ago
  I'm sorry but in my eyes they're not jokes.
Gamelover actually took it really serious when Ak "stole" his syntax.
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Ok Gamelover just loves to make jokes, so what. Is it Ak who can't see the fun in it and take it literal. Sorry Ak, but you are a little paranoid I think...
gameinsky 12 years ago
  nachos, this isn't the first time that happened.
he actually "left" Bonuslevel twice. With a topic like this.

And now he's done it again.
He went through all his chances.
nachos 12 years ago
  Even I was new at one point xD

But seriously.. I agree that we shouldnt give AK another chance.. Its just inevitable that it will happen again..
manufan 12 years ago
  I'm not trying to insult you. At one point GIS, Hex and I were at that stage, after all, you gotta be new at some point. xD
Hexicube 12 years ago
  goomba you cant seriously be rooting for AK here...right?
theepicgoomba 12 years ago
  @Manufan, come on! I'm not that *disillusionated* 100 message!
lololol 13 years ago
  Yeah it would Be much better to just ignore this :)
gameinsky 13 years ago
  If you want me to trash this, just ask me.
lololol 13 years ago
  Well, Seriously, If you hate him for making these topics, How hard can it be to just ignore them? This is ridiculous.
SuperMario 13 years ago
  Simon, that's what I do at school! :P

Gis, Yep! And he'll be sorry, again. xD
nachos 13 years ago
  I really dont know what to say....

Good bye AK..
SimonM 13 years ago
  Pof and Rob, this sort of things is just a very tiny part in BL, as BL is intended to have fun, play games, create levels, make levels and the lovely stuff!
I think this sort of stuff is just the internet :/
but just let us have some great fun! :)

@AK(if he comes back) Why do you leave for 2 people, just have fun and try to avoid/ignore the people you don't like.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  tbh oldmanrob, AK has done this a few times already (on the exact same way) and he came back.

If someone makes a topic about him leaving he just wants attention and wants to make sure people publicly see that the people he hates got him to leave the site in hope they would be punished.

I'm entirely confident AK will come back in the course of the following 5 months.
oldmanrob 13 years ago
  The only comment I do understand is the one of Pof. It had could be mine.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Not really, bonuslevelover, it's just AK being AK, in 4 months he'll come back having forgotten the whole thing.
BonusLeveLover 13 years ago
  err... was this a bad day to rejoin BL?
SuperMario 13 years ago
  Actually gamelover IS immature. I still remember the day whan I got angry with him.
Magic_X 13 years ago
  I never know whats going on on this site anymore... 0_o
Pof 13 years ago
  Well, I'm a bit surprised by this topic.
I didn't know you guys where raging that much.
Aren't we all here to have fun?

I my opinion, BonusLevel would miss you AK.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  And I'm anti-matter, so don't touch me or i'll blow up.

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First post of the topic

AK 13 years ago
  I've tried to help, but now it's over. Gamelover is being completely immature, spazzing out against me because I took his precious syntax. And gameinsky never took my 5 apologies, he just brought back everything I did wrong. So i'm off, never to come back. You are both cold-hearted, and you don't deserve to be in a great site like bonuslevel. There are people here who know who you really are, and I hope they speak up and save bonuslevel. Bonuslevel will never be the place it used to be because people never cared for the new people. Gameinsky, the "mature" admin that he is, always thought of them as "noobs" and thought they would ruin bonuslevel with their bad posts and bad levels, when actually bonuslevel was already dead, dead because of people who wouldn't know what's right from a tuna fish sandwich. I'm joining one of the most mature people i've ever met, NarmoIanya, on Age of Empires 2. You will never hear from me again. I will not come back to finish star tower, I will not come back to finish Kieda's Riddles, I will not come back for the packs I made or tried to make. I spent 2 years at this site, and because of the people who don't care, it was 2 years completely wasted.

So good luck with your site, your unforgiving, cold-hearted site. I'm sorry to the real people here, the people who do know what is right, like Ferrari, Jos, Paulo, and oldmtnguy. I salute you for your maturity, and I am sorry I couldn't stay longer. But I am done with this. I hope you will join me and Narmo, or maybe I will see you someday when I try to create a site that will be what bonuslevel should have been. Goodbye for now.
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