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Topic, Level "Geckojsc", game "Path 4 Mouse"

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SimonM 11 years ago
  How is Treazer's score possible?
edit: there is a 'cheat' way.
SuperMario 11 years ago
  honestly, azz's one is better than this, for sure.
Sherlock 11 years ago
  Seems a bit strange isn't it?
Treazer 11 years ago
  It's a great idea, but the proportions are a bit strange.

The eyes are 1x2, but they should be 1x1. Same for the hair-

You also could've made the eyes blue.

The hair and highlighted outline could be brown and you could hide the blue wire with a wall on a layer above.

It would also be possible to make shades of the grass for example with faded tiles.

The shadings are wrong.

There's also a similar level (Dude on ground (Path 4 Mouse)), not the same though.


An example:



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Treazer 11 years ago
  It's a great idea, but the proportions are a bit strange.

The eyes are 1x2, but they should be 1x1. Same for the hair-

You also could've made the eyes blue.

The hair and highlighted outline could be brown and you could hide the blue wire with a wall on a layer above.

It would also be possible to make shades of the grass for example with faded tiles.

The shadings are wrong.

There's also a similar level (Dude on ground (Path 4 Mouse)), not the same though.


An example:

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