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Topic, Level "Kalina's Challenge", game "Jump Gear 2"

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kalina200 6 years ago
  *secretly dying inside
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  I've seen it - congratz popo
kalina200 6 years ago
  GG! I wonder how CG reacts to this :thinking:
popo2 6 years ago
  I got the highscore!
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  What was I doing when rating this xD

I wrote an essay on what I thought about it. To be honest - I disagree with most of what I'm saying. This level isn't the best - but it's not bad. I'll put it at 3/5 now.
gameinsky 9 years ago
  Fixed the level title. (it read challange)
kalina200 9 years ago
  Yes i did crate the level but after going through it again i tottally agree with you and i can do better.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  I have reviewed the level further and I have come to a conclusion, I start of with 3/5, a borderline accepted level...

Great Design = 4/5
Bad Challenge = 3.25/5
OK design after that = 3.75/5
Annoying Tube = 3/5
Nice Bit! = 3.5/5
Mediocre Design = 3/5
Line Hill no challenge = 2.5/5
OK Design = 3/5
Bad challenge = 2.25/5
Not good Design = 1.75/5
Bad Time Limit = 0.75/5

And that's the end of the level, but I forgot effort in it so I came up with a solution, a multiplier for effort, between 0.25 and 4x! I will give it 2.5x which is a lot of effort! So the grand total is...
1.875/5 which rounds to 2/5! Here is a scale for it!

0-1 Rubbish - I found this level horrific

1-2 Bad - Not the worst but still not great (You are this catergory)

2-3 Mediocre - I would have liked to see better but still not the worst.

3-4 OK - I liked it for some reasons!

4-5 Good - This was a very good level, well done

5 Great! - This was a very good level!

Sorry if this looks like a teacher wrote it, but to help you, I'll tell you some tips if you PM me...
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  I don't think you're gonna like my opinion, and I'm sure there are people who like this level. Anyway, where do I start?

The start is the worst obstacle in your levels. It is so hard compared to everything else which begs the question. Why do you call it, Kalina's Challenge, this level is not challenging AT ALL. This level need less time, WAY less time, I finished it in 30 seconds, and while I would not like the level to have that little time, a bit less wouldn't hurt would it (My levels with to much time were because I was terrible and the end was annoying...)?. Moving away from the START. We get to the Mini Jump which is ok then the Mini Tunnel... Why do you have Instant KO tunnels, these kill the player too much and waste precious seconds. Plus this one is an Insta-Kill! Perfect. I'm on a rant and we aren't at the checkpoint yet! Then you get a drop then another which are fine... Then the checkpoint! Mediocre from here but still not SLIGHTLY challenging. These line hills just waste potential, while there is some design on the hill, it is mostly one BG line showing you the way! I know you are better than that! Look at ETW 3! Then we get to the second hook... Not nearly as challenging to the first but I'll hope for the impossible challenge at the end, eh? Wait a minute. That is the end?!?! What?!?! That took like thirty seconds for a challenge level with a time limit of 75 seconds! This is not a challenge level! A better title would be, 'Kalina's Hooks' or 'Kalina's Fun'! But aside from the dreadful name of the level, it's just awful. The Time Limit, one more thing to rant about... I understand Ferrari asked for more time, but 75 seconds is pushing at a bit!

So what do I rate this? I will rate later! Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but I think it's necessary as this is a bad level IMO.
Coolguy52 10 years ago

Ferrari12 10 years ago
  I meant the tight tube, yes. I will not allow challenges based on luck so you will need to either make the tube larger or make a slight tweak to the level. Apart from that, the level is ready to be accepted.

[edit] I discovered there is actually a controlled way of escaping the tube, so the level is then acceptable! :)
Maxamed 10 years ago
  IF you're talking about the beginning then you just have to spam space and make sure you're pressing the right arrow key while you're doing it.
kalina200 10 years ago
  Yes there is a trick you need to go slowly and hold space bar then gently drop and move forward still holding space bar

[edit]oh you ment the small tube well its just luck
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  Sorry for the long wait, I was away from home for ~10 days and I haven't gotten round to checking the comments until now.

I'll evaluate the level as soon as possible.

[edit] I can't really see how one is supposed to survive exiting the tube (the first place in the level where you move drive backwards) other than out of pure luck. Is there a trick i am missing?

Apart from this minor problem I think the level is very good. I especially like the design in the beginning :)
Maxamed 10 years ago
  I will now quote Ferrari12...

"Btw, I also the think the level needs some more time, unless you drastically shorten it."

Doing that would probably make this level turn into a blue level. :/
kalina200 10 years ago
  Please re-evaluate it
Maxamed 10 years ago
  Ferrari12 might be busy but he will if you're patient. :)

PS: This level might need more time...
kalina200 10 years ago
  anyone listining??
kalina200 10 years ago
  Please Re-evaluate it

(sorry if it dose not save again)
kirrock 10 years ago
  Atleast give the players a bit more time to finish the level.
kalina200 10 years ago
  i did edit it so i dont think it will uplode so just reject it
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  Sorry, but no changes have been made to the level as far as I can see :/

Btw, I also the think the level needs some more time, unless you drastically shorten it.
kalina200 10 years ago
  i did?????????

well done now
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  No, it's not done. You have not even updated the level since I posted my last comment ...
kalina200 10 years ago

Ferrari12 10 years ago
  There's an invisible line blocking the path of the car (in the first tunnel) which needs fixing. In addition, the section after the first lethal lines is way too cramped. The jump through the other lethal lines is also a cause of frustration and so is the following ascend.
kalina200 10 years ago
  can you re-evaluate it please
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  If you fill like you can improve the level the go for it, but as Matthijs said, there's not need to edit the level to be edited. You can edit it right now :=
MatthijsM 10 years ago
  kalina you can edit it right now too
kalina200 10 years ago
  OK set it to be edited and ill change it

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Ferrari12 10 years ago
  I don't really know what to do with this level. It has flaws (Cramped, frustrating challenge, very random) but it because it is well-made i am hesitant to reject it. What are your thoughts? (If you don't want to post a public opinion the send me a PM)
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