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Topic, Level "Seal Away", game "BLockoban"

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john96 1 year ago
  I could not find the 16-move solution, best I could do was 27.
Elizea 10 years ago
  I have to admit I did not see this solution when making it, CD.

Silly me.
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Erm, I can't be the only one to see the 17-move solution. I hesitate to rate this because this solution was super straightforward.

EDIT: Maybe if the whites were linked to another block or had some goals it would be a bit better. But with the solution I found, it just feels like I solved it wrong, even though like all your levels Elizea it has a pleasant design...


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CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Erm, I can't be the only one to see the 17-move solution. I hesitate to rate this because this solution was super straightforward.

EDIT: Maybe if the whites were linked to another block or had some goals it would be a bit better. But with the solution I found, it just feels like I solved it wrong, even though like all your levels Elizea it has a pleasant design...
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