I feel like 124 is there if someone was to do it perfectly. Honestly I feel like some of Dynamo's ingenious point saves are underrated. The point save (3 if done perfectly) is ridiculous and honestly I felt like I would never have found it without that 123 looming over my 'theory perfect' score of 121. Won't push for 124 here as 122 was already hell to get!
Sonic, people used to write this on maps on places that were not explored yet, they expected danger could be there (exact translation is "here are lions")...so yeah Friend, shortly "spikes" ;-)
chakka, yes if you just let the turtle be driven by the cannons, you will end up on the spikes, but you can jump while being up, it will change your direction...
it's a point i can't seem to get past... after the first elevator you get a speed-bonus and then you get to these cannons... i always land on the spiked thingys... what do i do wrong?