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Topic, Prime Game

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suhangha 1 year ago
  I'm sorry to say this, but You gave an uncertain answer, such as a foul play, you received 2 points penalty

'2 points - Stop it'

In fact he misordered the warnings.

Yellow card takes precedence over red card, Yellow card as warning, red card as stop
still ok
I changed 10 points as 'stop it'...?
chris3000 1 year ago
  I believe the next one would be 571.
Coolguy52 1 year ago
  The next prime should be 569.
suhangha 1 year ago
  563 . . ..
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  I can’t tell you that - as it was my number last, but the number that I said was 557.
chris3000 5 years ago
  Now i'm confused at what the next number is.
CubixIII 5 years ago

(evil grinch face)
suhangha 5 years ago
  I miss 100th reward. neglol
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  I thought you said a number...
CubixIII 5 years ago
I didn't realize that Kalina decided to make this a thing.
I call dibs on the ability to not participate!
suhangha 5 years ago
  composite number, because the divisor of which is 1, 19, 29, 551. Logical on spoilers you can.
chris3000 5 years ago
  I'm not sure what the next number should be now. Was I right on 551 or not?
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Assuming we recognise 529 as a square number (as you clearly did) ;)
suhangha 5 years ago
  We can say that.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Well spotted - I must have messed up when checking it... 557 is indeed next though - I’m sure of it.
suhangha 5 years ago
  He seems to have named "100 units", not "100 th". waht the so

Your Mistake: 551=19×29
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  I think you’re right - 557 should follow.
chris3000 5 years ago
  I think 551 is the next prime number.
suhangha 5 years ago
  I'm 100 th prime!

hahahaha 😜👻 lololololololol
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  547 is the next one!
suhangha 5 years ago
chris3000 5 years ago
  I'm guessing the next prime one is 523, since even numbers are composite.
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  Take the product of the first two primes and subtract it off the square off the first two primes concatenate in order. There's the next prime.
kalina200 6 years ago
  521 follows.
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  509 is next.
gameinsky 6 years ago
  503 is the next one
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  After that comes 499 - final prime and number before 500.
gameinsky 6 years ago
  491 is the next one I believe
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  487 - almost halfway to 1,000...
kalina200 6 years ago
  The next prime surprisingly isn't 469, which I presume someone was going to say, it is equal to 7 * 67, which makes it a semi-prime. If you want the next prime, add 10 to the number.


First post of the topic

kalina200 7 years ago
  The backstory to this is about 2 weeks ago Coolguy52 on discord asked me to play a maths game called the prime game.

Fast forward 2 weeks every day he wants to play it with me and CubixIII and it becomes a meme to wind eachother up, and as with every insider meme, it won't go away ;-;

So I thought the best idea was to bring it to bonuslevel xD

Basically this torture is gonna make everyone hate me (but actually send it to Coolguy52)

So the rules:
Basically you have to say the prime after the last without doubleposting and with only one number in the comment and if I say 2 someone will say the next one (3)

This is only prime numbers

If someone says the wrong number or no one posts for 2 weeks then it reset and if someone gets it wrong they get 1 point.

You get achievements when you reach these milestones:

50 - Novice
100 - Average
200 - Better than me and cubix
300 - #PrimeNations (coolguys thingy) - Current
500 - Epic
700 - Hacker
800 - Good as coolguy
900 - better than coolguy
1000 - 4 digets?? 4 no prime.. no sense??
1500 - Albert Einstein
2000 - coolguy x100
5000 - Prime Is My City
10000 - Prime Is My Country
20000 - Prime Is My Planet
50000 - Prime Is Life, The Universe, And Everything
100000 - You need to re-evaluate your life

If you get points, however, you get these
1 point - You lost it for us ;-;
2 points - Stop it
5 points - You hate primes
10 points - IQ of 50
20 points - IQ of 1
50 points - Dumber than a wall

Points of people:

Highest Score:

I'll start:

Good luck
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