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Topic, Level "Piping turtle 2", game "Rolling Turtle"

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Sires 15 years ago
  jondeelee: I got the star you mentioned. Naturally, when you die, the star is gone. Does that mean it only works when the star is there? But even when I had the star, nothing opened next to the L-shaped thing. I died on my way back, looking for a switch.

EDIT: Brilliant level, I finally made it!!! By the way, it might be a bug, but when you get that star, the gate opens, but you can also jump through the ceiling up on the second jumpthrough-wall.
jondeelee 15 years ago
  Jac1: try jumping to the other side of the pipe when you're around halfway up.
Jac1 15 years ago
  Oh_bebe, I meant the one that Sires mentioned.
jondeelee 15 years ago
  Sires: you have to jump up through the black lines at the beginning of that section (the ones with the walls you go through) and get the star in the above chamber.
starpower 15 years ago
  actuelly my first plan was making only the start and the triangle+square but i though it was to short...
Sires 15 years ago
  Well, I have no problem getting up the first pipe, but the second one is wayyyyy too long to be able to get up. Even with the bubble I haven't even climbed half of it.

Edit: Got it. Now I am stuck at the part with the walls you have to go through. I can't find the switch that opens the little passage in the floor above (next to the L-shaped thing), so I can get up.
1jase 15 years ago
  i agree with jondeelee i love long level this is better then the first one

jondeelee 15 years ago
  I'm on the exact opposite side: I *love* these "Piping turtle" levels. I think the challenges are great, and the length is not an issue for me. I wouldn't change a thing about either of them, and would love to see a #3. Nicely done, starpower.
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  I agree.. too long
oh_bebe 15 years ago
cooldude411438797 15 years ago
  That was not a delicious level. That took waaaaaaaaay too fun for me.
Jac1 15 years ago
  I can't finish it!
How do you get up the "pipe" at the very left of the finish?


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Jac1 15 years ago
  I can't finish it!
How do you get up the "pipe" at the very left of the finish?
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