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Topic, Level "Wall Climbing", game "Rolling Turtle"

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Coolguy52 5 months ago
  Congratulations! That is great news that you’ve finally achieved 27.6! I do wanna give the officials another proper go at some point because I feel like I’ve slowed down a lot recently. All in good time hopefully. Good luck on the clean sweep!
Dynamo 5 months ago
  Seems we had different ideas CG, I saved a jump bonking off the switch to open up the elevators. I wasn't sure if the ending was doable but I might give it a go. :P

27.6k!!! Ultimate goal in the bag, the grind is finally over! Got a couple extra annoying points from Flowers of Annoy. As much as I want to believe, unfortunately I think 27.7k is a complete pipe dream. Time to tackle the clean sweep me thinks. :D
Coolguy52 5 months ago
  Honestly I have a similar goal Chris. I think it’s important to not overexert yourself, and your health is most important. Good luck if you do ever go for it.

Also I’m glad I could help with this one, I had some idea it would be possible to do the top area with 1 jump not 2, but I wasn’t exactly sure what would work best. I think I tried to use the moving platforms to have a different ground. I’m sure you can get 27.6k though, it might require a couple of points from the depths of your sanity though xD
chris3000 5 months ago
  That's impressive Dynamo. Whenever I can get a break from my doctor appointments and monthly B12 shots and daily life things, I can go back to improving on the officials. I may not get to 27,500. But my goal is a mere 27,000 even.
Dynamo 5 months ago
  Credit where it's due, this is another one I would never have got without you CG. :D

That bonk jump is so hard and precise to pull off, I'll admit I spent about half an hour just practising from the checkpoint to try and get the momentum and timing lined up before going for full runs. It's definitely a skill you have to have pretty comfortably under your belt, especially with the amount of skips across RT that utilise that kind of jump.

I'm so close to 27.6k but I'm rapidly running out of things to improve on without completely losing my sanity! xD
Coolguy52 5 months ago
  I wish we could copy officials. There's a 0.01% chance that 103 is doable and I'm trying to see if I can but it would be help by sticking a checkpoint right before the jump, since we can't copy officials so I have to use the checkpoints in the level or the start to test the jumps.
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  This is one of my fav levels...
gameinsky 15 years ago
  This is sooo misplaced...
gundu 15 years ago
doomlord 15 years ago
gundu 15 years ago
TT 15 years ago
  this level should be official. No doubt about it
gundu 15 years ago
  I've something to edit ^^
newrat 15 years ago
  OK just checked out turtle ltd. I dont understand how the existence of that level means this cant be official. They are totally different. Turtle Ltd has so many more challenges, and even the vertical bit is implemented differently (which btw I think is much harder than this). Plus Turtle Ltd isnt official so its not like the idea will be repeated. This is a great level and should be taken on its own merit...a beautifully designed, really fun level.

PS Burfy I mean no offense, I think your level is really good also, but as you said yourself the standard here is superb.
burfy 15 years ago
  And people said Turtle Ltd (Rolling Turtle) was hard lol...
Yeah this execution is much better of course, generally the standard of levels has risen a lot since that time and that is good.
As usual with gundu, nice job :)
1jase 15 years ago
  its Turtle Ltd (Rolling Turtle) by burfy
newrat 15 years ago
  does anyone know the name of the level where this has been used before? Even if it has it cant have been designed this well.
1jase 15 years ago
  yes but even though it was used somewhere else the execution is perfect and better then the other one.
metakirby22 15 years ago
  That's EXACTLY why it's not official nikobam. It's used somewhere else. even though i'm not an admin i know that's the reason.
awesomeness 15 years ago
  how do you make paths go at different times??????????!!!!!!!!!!
Nikobam 15 years ago
  I have no idea why it isnt official..
Brilliant idea even though its used in another level
newrat 15 years ago
  Excellent level gundu! Has to be official. Really fun, cool idea and the design is awesome. Gundu you pull it out the bag everytime!


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newrat 15 years ago
  Excellent level gundu! Has to be official. Really fun, cool idea and the design is awesome. Gundu you pull it out the bag everytime!
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