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Topic, Level "Deadly Enigma", game "Rolling Turtle"

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iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
Well, its the only one with variation! :)
Jac1 15 years ago
  Probably one of the best autos ever.
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  LOL. Just LOL....
This is one of the few levels that work on both computers, but on each, it takes a different way. Im glad its done.
jondeelee 15 years ago
  Doesn't work on my mac. The turtle can't *quite* make the big jump after the giant loop (the "rusty" one that falls apart), and so just falls into infinity.

Funny story, though: I didn't know that this was an automatic level until I'd been playing it for about twenty minutes. I'd actually gotten pretty far into the level on my own, but kept thinking, "This level is @#$%^&* ridiculous!" I only found out when I checked the scoreboard, and then freaked out when everyone else's score was a good hundred points ahead of mine. Me R Smart!
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  YAY ITS FINALLY WORKING! IMA SOO HAPPY! Now, will somebody pleas bring up the rating?
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  it works for me on my mac

its too bad you had to do it like this tho :(
olive23 15 years ago
  press and hold the spacebar when you get to the flag
Jster95 15 years ago
  at the end I can't win! i have a pc.. I grab the goal but die at the same time because of the grow bonus. It kills me.
Edit: nvm
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  LOL! Cool. Glad to see it works!!!! Now we need a reg. mac user/macbook/pc Windows xp and vista. If all those work, then THIS LEVEL IS CLEAR!
I has no stars in my level, score = 110 for some people! How does this happen??? This must be the same as burfy's level, or i just have a hidden star or something...
edit; is it because you get a score for being perfect?
allyally 15 years ago
  I tied it on my mac mini and i went the p.c way!
got 1st time!
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  OK! It's done (i think) because I made a route for the mac users! And the original route is for the PC users! (hope it works, have to test it when i get home!) ENJOY :) [labeled routes for mac/pc lol]
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  iamstormtrooper do you want to edit this or should i just reject it? I don't want to bc it is good, but I guess it is too finicky. so let me know
ME_XVI 15 years ago
  tried twice and worked both
Jesus_luvr 15 years ago
  I got it on my 3rd try... it's a pretty good auto, but, as people have been saying, it doesn't always work.
Darerd 15 years ago
  wait, i cant do it anymore!!!!

****oh nvm but its 1/10 chance you get it. i rate 3/5
pen11 15 years ago
  sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but it's good!!!!
olive23 15 years ago
  just do you know at the very beginning it doesn't always work the right way you get chaught or don't slow down enough and hit the hedgehogs...
Darerd 15 years ago
  maybe when we make more deadly auto's we say if we made it on pc or mac, just to warn people if they die. or make a mac version of it AND a pc version!
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  I died. :( lol
the part where you fly over to the break line and get the speed-up bonus.. I missed the speed-up so I just fell down when the line broke and died.
Sires 15 years ago
  Great level, a couple of near-death-experiences, indeed!
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Ok! This level is done! Made full-proof for pc, but unknown for mac. Once i get internet back on my mac, ill Try it :)
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  hahaha. must me the macs keep the turtle alive bc that's what i have too.
that's so weird.
you can edit by the way
afunnyacorn 15 years ago
  i die too
at the hedgehogs in the middle
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Yeah. i tried it on my home computer (made on mac laptop) and i did die. but on my mac, i didn't. Im sorry about this. i dunnno why this happen....
can i edit it? itll probably ruin everything, but i can just put it back together.
Sires 15 years ago
  Something's wrong with this. I played it 10 times, and every time, the turtle took a different way. The only thing that was the same was that the turtle died sooner or later without seeing the flag.
gundu 15 years ago
  Don't work :(
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  a lot of good "close calls' in this auto


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oh_bebe 15 years ago
  a lot of good "close calls' in this auto
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