Topic, ^< > another forum game | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.<I like everybody in this forum(and doesn't know what Left 4 Dead is) ^Already stole something See? I stole your comment! Muhahahahahahahahahaha! <I like everybody in this forum(and I don't know what Left 4 Dead is) ^Already stole something <I Also like left 4 dead, zombies are the best, my favorite is smoker ^sucks and i can own in left 4 dead < Proffesional Left 4 Dead player > A cowboy <Likes taking pictures ^Rode a canoe over Niagara Falls <did not marry a spoon ^Will Kill Jac1 for Hateing Him <I prefered Paper Mario as MooKings avatar ^Knows the square root of pi ^Loves everything in the world ^Fell in love with a banana ^Hates me <I dont like to have no profile ^the next person love........SuperDog!and shes called SuperCat!xD < never has a meal without cheese in it ^ Kicks little puppies and clubs baby seals. (you monster!) <I lost an awesome level in my level editor about 10 minutes ago >:( ^luvz Jster95 <i think Elizea is being greedy in her last post ^has no idea what i said <i have done perfect level to RT, and but not sharing it as i want to be to only one getting fun from it! ^the next person will slap SuperDog as he said that i would be worse than he making levels (that is not true, or atleast i hope so...) <I like jp ^The next person is even more worse than me and likes jp < Makes bad levels... ^Is worse at making levels than I am. | GeneralFirst post of the topicthis game is where you tell something about the other people on the website. ">" First you tell something about the person before you. (it can be made up). "<" Second you tell something about yourself. (this can be true like "I like cheese") "^" tell something about the next person. (once again made up). it should look like this. >: noone is before me :( <: I play guitar ^: The next person likes skydiving. have fun |