Topic, ^< > another forum game | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.<NOT A FRKN DAM LIAR ^likes the number 7 <Awesome ^Awesome, but not as awesome as me. < needs the toilet ^ look up. you see it? if you don't it means your already dead. <i like sonic ^646432896544783193264982737569321 <Mean yet truthful ^Should turn around before its too late... <I am an admin i can awnser your questions and fly(I'm dreaming0_0) ^Gnawed on the crib bars(lead paint) as a baby <bored....... ^doesn't like coconut... not the flavor, just the consistency < ROFLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLMAO. xD ^commented in 'Introduce Yourself'. xD | GeneralFirst post of the topicthis game is where you tell something about the other people on the website. ">" First you tell something about the person before you. (it can be made up). "<" Second you tell something about yourself. (this can be true like "I like cheese") "^" tell something about the next person. (once again made up). it should look like this. >: noone is before me :( <: I play guitar ^: The next person likes skydiving. have fun |
<Wants to install Windows NT 3.51
^Likes peanut butter