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Topic, Hall of Fame / Best of Best -Level

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Elizea 15 years ago
  aha... well i find it much easier and better to take only levels that are somehow original, like circles of beaty etc. i didnt find it cool to in half of the level you have to hear what some1 says 5min of the story of some other level, and then u continue the next part that doesnt have anything to do with the 5min thing you just heard...
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  my point is you can combine story based levels because life dosnt always have one specific story at a time.
Elizea 15 years ago
  @demonicyoshi, i didnt get your point, sorry.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  so? is there always a story to life?
(if you anser "yes" go to a mental hospital)
Elizea 15 years ago
  BenTen the problem is that they are story-based levels, and doesnt fit a collection level, as you couldnt take the story with it :(
im still thinking Hard line (Rolling Turtle) from you, the idea from it would be very good to a level like this, but that levels score tells something about others opinions...
BenTen 15 years ago
  well Elizea, (this is about the fourth comment in the topic) my Agent T.s are quite popular.
Elizea 15 years ago
  SuperDog, when its a level about the best of best, an automatic part in middle would be kinda... bad.
PS: im he, not she :)
SuperDog 15 years ago
  He through Elizea can make a bit of cannons like that, can't he
And it's not all automatic. The pause isn't automatic
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  likerollingturtle its a automatic level ......
Jac1 15 years ago
  Maybe you can put my best level, whatever you think it is?
Elizea 15 years ago
  ye if ill make a best of best level i should have there part from:
-Shake it Up (Rolling Turtle)
-Temporary Teamwork (Rolling Turtle)
-Lava Tunnel (Rolling Turtle)
more coming to the list when people can say levels that should be in it.
lololol 15 years ago
  soooo.. is my levels great? :) Anyways. my favourite level (that i made...!) Lava Tunnel (Rolling Turtle). but my favourite level that i didn't make is Temporary Teamwork, by Geckojsc. :)
Elizea 15 years ago
  can you post a link to that level tom122333? i cant find it with search...
tom122333 15 years ago
  one of my favorite lvls is
Clean up this mess by jim674
Elizea 15 years ago
  ye in the best of best level there should be a part of 30minutes or more...! (or not...). 1jase if you wanted it to a best of best level, it could propably fit perfectly :)
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  30 minutes or more...
Definately the best level.
The Dedication and time that went into it is just magical. The Name fits it perfectly, and the way it angers and bores people just makes me want to sit there and play it all day.
OMG amazing 5/5.

1jase 15 years ago
  what about mine
Shake it Up is my fav
Elizea 15 years ago
  @BenTen, your Hard Line is cool:) not sure about others (havent tried them)...
@Jac1, i guess i dont have enought levels to it, and half of my levels are story based = kinda hard. But if you want to try, go ahead:)
Jac1 15 years ago
  I could make one about you!
BenTen 15 years ago
  I would be.

P.S. Do you like my levels?
Elizea 15 years ago
  Would anyone be intrested of giving me do a level based on his/her levels like in Gundu's Hall of Fame (Rolling Turtle) and Geckos Hall of Fame (Rolling Turtle). Or if it would be better idea to take only the best levels from like 10 people and make a Best of Best level:) Reply to this post if you would be intrested of either idea.



First post of the topic

Elizea 15 years ago
  Would anyone be intrested of giving me do a level based on his/her levels like in Gundu's Hall of Fame (Rolling Turtle) and Geckos Hall of Fame (Rolling Turtle). Or if it would be better idea to take only the best levels from like 10 people and make a Best of Best level:) Reply to this post if you would be intrested of either idea.
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