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Topic, Level "Choice Challenge!", game "Rolling Turtle"

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Daft_Punk 14 years ago
  You go through one of them...
AK 14 years ago
  How is this supposed to work? You're stuckwith 2 death lines that won't move.
PureTheLion 15 years ago
  woah i got flinged out of the spiral
Sires 15 years ago
  Great level! How it is possible to finish this with a score of 109 is beyond me, though... but the ideas in this level are very original.

This could indeed be official.
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  It is fixed. Too bad you have to upkeep it all the time sometimes. (lol kinda paradox) if you didn't have to do that, this level might be official! :D
Sires 15 years ago
  Will this be fixed soon?
Sires 15 years ago
  And 3): In the section where you have to avoid the powerups you get killed by a black line at the bottom.
jondeelee 15 years ago
  I don't think this level can be beaten without dying. If you do manage to make it through the first time without dying, the maze doesn't work the second time: 1) the four platforms with the "missing" pieces (right before the covered spirals) don't work anymore (the top platform has had its "missing" piece replaced, so it's impossible to get up to the next level); and 2) the loop-the-loop section right after the descending elevator (with the powerups that you avoid) is now lacking a bubble to help you around the loops.
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  really cool level. but i wish you didn't have to do it 2 times.
allyally 15 years ago
  I've up dated it and it all works now!
just wait till its accepted!
Sires 15 years ago
  When you die in the second hidden thing (spiral or whatever it is), and you start at the checkpoint again, the pushing-the-black-ball-to-the-right thing doesn't work anymore.
jonnyboy 15 years ago
  WOW! So hard and laggy but really really cool!
raaaar 15 years ago
  The hidden areas are sooo hard but very very good. Nice level, allyally!
allyally 15 years ago
  Sorry, its undone, i accedently pressed upload so give it a while before anyone plays!
Ellemennt75 15 years ago
  Can you help me lock in the ghost lines? I've done one and can't re-create it.
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  is there something wrong with the ending? sometimes you can't get the boulder to move over.. maybe its just one of those once-in-a-while things.... but its doing it a lot for me


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oh_bebe 15 years ago
  is there something wrong with the ending? sometimes you can't get the boulder to move over.. maybe its just one of those once-in-a-while things.... but its doing it a lot for me
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