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Topic, Level "Messy Land", game "Rolling Turtle"

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oh_bebe 15 years ago
  hahaha good job on getting $50. and you're welcome. lol
Darerd 15 years ago
  this is how it started. my bro said "why, lookit all those messy levels. rejected. if you dont make your next level messy i'll slug you."
"yeah, i guess i must. i bet you $50 i'll get it accepted!"
so it was accepted, and i got that money from him. he slugged me.
Jesus_luvr 15 years ago
  yas, I REALLY like this! It's perfect for a newbie, because it's obviously meant to be messy, but then the admins can't reject it BECAUSE of it's messiness! I'm not saying ur a newbie, though, Darerd.
mudvayne732 15 years ago
  cool a level showing people how NOT to make their levels but still having a plot.
Sires 15 years ago
  So cooool... the talking head was great.
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  people make levels like this all the time.. (messy) haha
Friend 15 years ago

I was going to make a level like this, but with a different plot. >:( :P
PureTheLion 15 years ago
  Wow this level is very fun!
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  the messiness bugs me almost enough to reject it, haha. but it is so funny =D


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oh_bebe 15 years ago
  the messiness bugs me almost enough to reject it, haha. but it is so funny =D
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