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suhangha 2 days ago
  now we can see P&M levels P&M: Play Cards! P&M: Play Cards There is not enough space and there is no usable bettertitle, but I don't want to accumulate it by number (this is good way used by chris a long time ago, but both are particularly hard so should notbe a level of easy series, etc) (as well as local series 1,2; A,B).
Anyway, reset score please
finished and completed a long time ago, I doubt if the level is publishable or not.
suhangha 3 years ago
  Has been missed some levels in this package? (MY Levels since 2020)

Anyway no more pack updates
suhangha 3 years ago
  Well done, No more pack updates (:
gameinsky 3 years ago
  Not sure why you insist so much in having them accepted as the only thing worth of note it does it make it impossible to edit the packs anymore but w/e.
chris3000 3 years ago
  If I can't, GIS can probably do it.
suhangha 3 years ago
  I hope someone will be evaluated as soon as possible - maybe we know that pack evalable without flash
suhangha 3 years ago
  Pack release ready!!
All levels is almost released, pack evaluation is okay honestly! I made 96 levels, in 2020, that's all.

Contains all, my levels created in 2020
suhangha 3 years ago
  Pack release ready!!

Pat and Mat have a return and birthday at the same time.
I added 2 Event Levels!

Return with Pat Mat
Birthday with PatMat

Totally 8 dozens lvl :P
suhangha 3 years ago
  I embed the 2 remainly individual levels of Pat and Mat.
P&M: Sunshade Visor
P&M: Tile Transport

Edit, pack edited
suhangha 3 years ago
  Changed the childish levels to an alphabetic directory.
suhangha 4 years ago
  For animation, see mys posting. I will not post, without link.

Passed: same as 2 of scores 2232 with 1 lvl
suhangha 4 years ago
  P&M Seasons:
newby 4 years ago
  read his posts and then you know:

suhangha = covid 19 and/ or acute schizophrenic mood

still totally boring without any challenge only idiotical block pushing
suhangha 4 years ago
  Try to take the score again.
suhangha 4 years ago
  I updated P&M 32 ~ 43, easier and moves count less.

Must be remove my scores:
P&M 13: Blocked Door
P&M C4: Garage Door
suhangha 4 years ago
  Famous "Pat & Mat" at the time, Someone who knows?

exactly ½ times the scores of the sycoraximperator, my total scores soooooooooooooo accidentally socres
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  Some dodgy thumbnails, otherwise the levels are fine!
suhangha 4 years ago
  Stylish and childlike Pat & Mat 32 ~ 43 is easy to fewer moves as without walls.

SimonM 4 years ago
  I tend to disagree with you. There are some fun and challenging levels.
newby 4 years ago
  Lots of block-pushing and not one challenge!

BLockoban developed by jp

A puzzle game inspired by Sokoban and Cubeoban.
Try also BLockoban for iPhone.

Pack Mod's Collection 2020 created by suhangha

Lighty Prairie + Pat & Mat

Pat & Mat Child Pack: Pat and Mat Child Levels

"Puzzle it" Beginning Pack: Peaceful Amuse-Park 2020 (Puzzle It)

"Puzzle it" RMp Pack: Return Mod plex (Puzzle It)

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