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Level "Hard diamond" from the game "BLockoban"

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Hard diamond
  • Accepted level Accepted level
  • Created by pauloalex 14 years ago.
  • 1 comment. Last comment 7 years ago by chris3000.
  • Rating 4.761/5 (4 raters)
  • 432 plays
  • Hotlink, embed this level on your site


dcoco 47 moves
nelson9048 moves
gamma7353 moves
small61 moves
thema72 moves
dzs73 moves
pauloalex76 moves
anaana81 moves
Mo84 moves
oldmtnguy88 moves
ToughMan89 moves
patio0993 moves
Jyxz100 moves
oldmanrob100 moves
greyanna108 moves
Risha110 moves
chris3000111 moves
A​n​t​h​o​n​y​N​V​A​118 moves
marmotin122 moves
JK72123 moves
j​o​r​g​e​r​i​s​o​s​126 moves
domika127 moves
sima135 moves
murat136 moves
t​i​t​a​b​l​a​s​t​3​1​140 moves
heraclio146 moves
Monty154 moves
selma157 moves
SimonM162 moves
borrego173 moves
m​a​g​n​a​c​u​m​l​a​u​d​315 moves
thecat393 moves
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