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Level "Move Around" from the game "BLockoban 2"

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Move Around
  • Official level Official level
  • Created by minimariner 15 years ago.
  • 2 comments. Last comment 15 years ago by minimariner.
  • Rating 4.391/5 (8 raters)
  • 5932 plays
  • Hotlink, embed this level on your site


m​i​n​i​m​a​r​i​n​e​r​5 moves
B​r​u​n​o​-​h​e​e​y​5 moves
Zakko6005 moves
nani5 moves
T​h​e​P​e​e​j​s​t​e​r​M​5 moves
THeNiNJa5 moves
SimonM5 moves
gameinsky5 moves
amw5 moves
G​a​r​y​g​o​h​8​8​4​5 moves
Zombie9115 moves
Elizea5 moves
Jos5 moves
mat8115 moves
tiri235 moves
Maxamed5 moves
s​u​p​e​r​s​o​n​i​c​5​0​5 moves
Jyxz5 moves
mediha5 moves
Treazer5 moves
oldmanrob5 moves
nelson905 moves
burfy5 moves
geckojsc5 moves
m​i​m​i​t​h​e​o​n​e​5 moves
SuperDog5 moves
Ivicc5 moves
Vasilok975 moves
Jac15 moves
molto5 moves
SOP5 moves
Mo5 moves
pauloalex5 moves
allyally5 moves
rock_985 moves
oldmtnguy5 moves
d​e​m​o​n​i​c​y​o​s​h​i​5 moves
c​o​d​e​m​a​n​4​2​k​5 moves
M​a​r​i​o​L​u​i​g​i​2​0​0​9​5 moves
chris30005 moves
gundu5 moves
Omicron5 moves
Friend5 moves
g​a​m​e​l​o​v​e​r​1​0​1​5 moves
M​a​r​t​i​n​f​r​a​K​o​n​g​s​b​e​r​g​5 moves
Raymond5 moves
lololol5 moves
p​u​d​e​l​m​u​e​t​z​e​n​n​a​s​h​o​r​n​5 moves
oh_bebe5 moves
Asforien5 moves
S​u​b​m​a​c​h​i​n​e​5 moves
C​a​p​t​a​i​n​_​4​0​4​5 moves
flame225 moves
G​u​i​t​a​r​g​e​e​k​5 moves
erratic5 moves
pkb1235 moves
Sillius5 moves
Adam625 moves
S​u​b​m​a​r​i​n​e​9​5​5 moves
garrafa5 moves
Im5 moves
jonjon235 moves
Ahroo5 moves
Kirby5 moves
d​i​n​g​d​i​n​g​2​2​5 moves
inarissa5 moves
G​a​m​e​m​a​s​t​e​r​5 moves
1jase5 moves
t​o​d​o​p​o​d​e​r​o​s​o​r​9​5 moves
ToughMan5 moves
t​r​u​n​t​e​s​n​u​d​e​5 moves
dzs5 moves
Pof5 moves
paralit5 moves
PhillipF5 moves
irja_m5 moves
g​r​e​a​t​z​i​l​l​a​5 moves
Giguv5 moves
Y​e​s​i​n​S​u​c​c​e​s​s​5 moves
S​a​r​a​h​b​e​l​l​e​9​1​5 moves
austrian5 moves
cinephile5 moves
S​u​p​e​r​M​a​r​i​o​5 moves
Jim6745 moves
b​e​c​k​e​n​h​e​i​m​e​r​5 moves
n​a​r​u​t​o​4​e​v​e​r​5 moves
Twiminy5 moves
awa5 moves
sriega5 moves
psyko5 moves
Anonycat5 moves
Rorrim5 moves
P​h​a​r​o​h​m​a​n​7​7​7​5 moves
elzo5 moves
mikebor5 moves
Fishy5 moves
lobofan5 moves
Angel_rey5 moves
Allayna5 moves
Kenshi5 moves
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