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Level "The switch" from the game "BLockoban"

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The switch
  • Official level Official level
  • Created by visto 16 years ago.
  • 5 comments. Last comment 15 years ago by pauloalex.
  • Rating 4.617/5 (11 raters)
  • 2431 plays
  • Hotlink, embed this level on your site


cheese964 moves
oldmanrob64 moves
pauloalex64 moves
ToughMan 64 moves
M​a​r​t​i​n​f​r​a​K​o​n​g​s​b​e​r​g​65 moves
nelson9065 moves
digitank66 moves
boogiebee66 moves
nani66 moves
oldmtnguy66 moves
greyanna66 moves
bbdest66 moves
burfy67 moves
starrie67 moves
dcoco67 moves
Aowyn67 moves
Jos67 moves
lmr67 moves
selma68 moves
patio0969 moves
Mo70 moves
murat71 moves
anaana71 moves
m​a​r​k​o​f​d​i​e​g​o​72 moves
B​i​g​m​a​r​k​u​s​2​7​72 moves
t​o​d​o​p​o​d​e​r​o​s​o​r​9​72 moves
Blanka72 moves
gamma7372 moves
SimonM72 moves
kjgrant73 moves
suhangha73 moves
I​r​e​n​e​G​a​r​z​a​74 moves
Snoopy74 moves
Daje1476 moves
THeNiNJa78 moves
C​a​m​o​D​r​a​g​o​o​n​78 moves
s​u​p​e​r​k​u​r​i​o​1​9​9​6​78 moves
dama4479 moves
A​n​t​h​o​n​y​N​V​A​79 moves
PIe79 moves
cartolina79 moves
nielsu79 moves
HIMACHAN80 moves
domika80 moves
dingdong80 moves
jdr81 moves
Monty81 moves
Ferrari1281 moves
pig81 moves
s​y​c​o​r​a​x​i​m​p​e​r​a​t​o​r​82 moves
ciciricou82 moves
p​u​d​e​l​m​u​e​t​z​e​n​n​a​s​h​o​r​n​82 moves
m​a​g​n​a​c​u​m​l​a​u​d​83 moves
kripa83 moves
Danielf85 moves
xmachinex86 moves
matti86 moves
f​u​n​n​y​f​r​e​s​h​86 moves
heraclio86 moves
HWANG87 moves
DBD88 moves
Zombie91189 moves
b​e​c​k​e​n​h​e​i​m​e​r​89 moves
dzs89 moves
Risha89 moves
coette90 moves
chris300090 moves
m​i​m​i​t​h​e​o​n​e​91 moves
Toby91 moves
JK7291 moves
radek856792 moves
matthi13392 moves
Username93 moves
ybstuk94 moves
j​e​a​n​l​o​i​s​e​l​94 moves
molto94 moves
d​a​v​i​t​o​2​9​2​9​94 moves
Jola94 moves
d13go295 moves
erratic96 moves
s​u​m​m​a​c​u​m​l​a​u​d​e​97 moves
Alice0197 moves
sue24497 moves
Monster98 moves
t​i​t​a​b​l​a​s​t​3​1​98 moves
G​a​r​y​g​o​h​8​8​4​99 moves
marmotin99 moves
kardor99 moves
Deseis100 moves
labuca100 moves
N​O​E​L​I​A​_​M​R​S​T​101 moves
Elizea102 moves
susanita102 moves
p​e​p​i​n​l​e​b​r​e​f​103 moves
j​o​r​g​e​r​i​s​o​s​103 moves
LLLorelai104 moves
jester159105 moves
eishiro105 moves
gundu106 moves
scher106 moves
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