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Level "Turtle's Terrarium" from the game "Rolling Turtle"

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Turtle's Terrarium
  • Official level Official level
  • Created by oh_bebe 16 years ago.
  • 43 comments. Last comment 4 months ago by Coolguy52.
  • Rating 4.474/5 (32 raters)
  • 3477 plays
  • Hotlink, embed this level on your site


G​a​r​y​g​o​h​8​8​4​188 points
Dynamo188 points
pkb123184 points
jondeelee184 points
goldie183 points
d​r​g​o​n​z​o​1​9​8​7​183 points
Coolguy52178 points
cheese9172 points
chris3000172 points
burfy171 points
kiethy342171 points
Shiro168 points
e​l​l​i​o​t​_​d​a​v​i​e​s​167 points
movzx166 points
Treazer163 points
mhnj159 points
Sires159 points
p​u​d​e​l​m​u​e​t​z​e​n​n​a​s​h​o​r​n​159 points
menyhert157 points
guitarlad157 points
oh_bebe156 points
Nikobam156 points
k​n​g​d​m​h​r​t​s​2​156 points
minmay153 points
j​u​s​t​i​n​8​8​1​8​153 points
lololol152 points
raaaar151 points
k​o​l​o​r​t​m​a​d​s​e​n​150 points
IceQb149 points
p​e​r​f​e​c​t​m​o​m​e​n​t​149 points
F​a​n​t​a​-​F​r​e​a​k​149 points
J​o​r​d​i​e​k​i​n​s​x​x​r​e​a​l​148 points
Moomooman148 points
Ferrari12148 points
s​i​l​l​y​k​o​l​a​5​0​147 points
d​a​v​i​d​a​n​d​e​r​s​s​o​n​9​5​147 points
AK147 points
H​i​l​l​y​c​o​b​b​e​r​146 points
heyman816146 points
c​o​d​e​m​a​n​4​2​k​146 points
m​e​t​a​l​4​l​i​f​e​2​3​5​145 points
THeNiNJa144 points
juhdanad144 points
M​e​a​t​y​D​i​n​o​2​4​6​143 points
t​u​r​t​l​e​_​8​8​8​8​142 points
Sillius141 points
S​u​p​e​r​M​a​r​i​o​140 points
dingdong140 points
MelindaF138 points
Elizea138 points
Magic_X138 points
gundu138 points
-J-138 points
a​l​l​y​c​a​t​3​6​9​137 points
Username136 points
n​a​r​u​t​o​4​e​v​e​r​135 points
j​e​s​u​s​l​o​v​e​r​134 points
Pof134 points
M​a​r​i​o​I​s​F​i​r​e​b​a​l​l​1​0​133 points
1jase131 points
drome131 points
maeki131 points
T​h​e​P​e​e​j​s​t​e​r​M​131 points
L​e​n​a​M​a​r​i​e​3​3​131 points
Pete130 points
Hexicube130 points
Daft_Punk130 points
TT128 points
myster5128 points
DEst128 points
m​a​c​4​4​4​4​4​a​l​t​2​128 points
MooKings127 points
jp127 points
S​U​P​E​R​-​L​E​V​L​E​R​127 points
T​h​u​n​d​e​r​B​o​y​126 points
o​h​h​h​h​h​h​y​e​a​a​a​a​a​126 points
Vasilok97126 points
s​t​i​c​k​m​a​s​t​e​r​125 points
geckojsc124 points
amw124 points
t​o​t​a​l​l​y​e​p​i​c​d​u​d​e​3​2​1​120 points
n​e​o​s​e​a​n​n​e​r​119 points
PandaBear118 points
joe45118 points
magei00117 points
olive23117 points
Raymond117 points
S​l​e​a​t​h​P​i​l​o​t​117 points
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Ghodas114 points
allyally114 points
s​u​p​e​r​s​o​n​i​c​5​0​114 points
Jos113 points
l​i​t​t​l​e​b​i​t​3​5​113 points
Stazdude113 points
t​r​u​n​t​e​s​n​u​d​e​112 points
x​X​D​a​y​e​n​L​o​v​e​X​x​112 points
Jac1112 points
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