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Topic, Level "Rescue and Arrange", game "BLockoban"

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suhangha-2 15 days ago
  I found 2 42-moves solutions, were 180degree-galaxy symmetry and non-symmetry
chris3000 16 days ago
  Wow, could it be possible for you achieving all the highscores? If so, you can gain 1st place for the Blockoban officials altogether.
suhangha-2 16 days ago
  Bad solutions above the fantastic solution...
chris3000 6 years ago
  Finally solved with a decent score.
chris3000 13 years ago
  I'm obviously missing something here.
MartinfraKongsberg 15 years ago
  A hint: Some of the two white ones on each side have to be reused after you have got one coloured and one pink in place.
chris3000 15 years ago
  How do you do this? I would like to beat this lvl.
Jos 15 years ago
  Yes! I dit it!
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  By the time that Asforien edited the level to prove that this isn't a Nazi Swastika to fool the players, the level seemed to be much easier. Most of them complained that the level was much easier, and Asforien tries again to make it hard, back again.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Lol, xD after a complete makeover :p
jp 15 years ago
  OK then it's official now.
Jyxz 15 years ago
  well its back to the way it was JP, and yea the scores are reset, it is very good imo.
jp 15 years ago
  Did someone reset he scores ? Maybe you should have creaed a new level because it seems this one is really different and a lot harder.
Jyxz 15 years ago
  Yeah I really think it should be changed back or something that requires the same technique to solve, I really enjoyed this level in its original forum.
pauloalex 15 years ago
  this level is very hard,is among the five most painful ...
boogiebee 15 years ago
  You are correct Jyxz, I only checked for the original sequence, but Murat noted other possibilities. I found some *out-the-back-door* myself!

PS: The spell checker is a good idea JP.
Jyxz 15 years ago
  Censoring something out of misplaced concern is as bad as burning books. I think this is wrong that this level was changed.

Edit: also this change does in fact change the level should but stoppers behind the 4 blocks in the center.
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  This seemed to be easier.
boogiebee 15 years ago
  No, the score is unchanged at 48. I have just now done the solution.

Edit: I should have included the caveat *using the original sequence* as the 48 score is now updated.
Asforien 15 years ago
  Does removing the centre blocks change the solution?
jp 15 years ago
  Of course we will not delete this level because it's not a nazi symbol. But I must admit I hesitate to make it official level, because of so many people will complain about it and we will have to reapeat again and again it's not a nazi symbol...
austrian 15 years ago
  my blockoban level "window" also has this symbol. this is not a swastika.
Jyxz 15 years ago
  wow I cant believe this is even a debate, 1) its not the Nazi symbol its backwards 2) This puzzle has nothing to do with it. 3) The nazi symbol was encased by a circle but those are still allowed for some reason? 4) this is seriously ridiculous no one should be offended by this and if they are it is their own fault.
sycoraximperator 15 years ago
  Please delete. It`s perhaps not a swastika, but it has som bad connotations nazism.
oldmanrob 15 years ago
  At the first moment I was disturbed too. So I check swastika with wiki and could see that the arms of the nazi swastika are different: left up on the left side not up left like here. Plus the swastika is a very old symbol of luck in hinduism and buddhism. The story is just too long to be told here. If you are interessed please check with wikipedia.
todopoderosor9 15 years ago
  oldmanrob, what is it if do not is a nazi swastika?
Jyxz 15 years ago
  who cares either way its obviously not meant to be offensive its just a coincidence in a puzzle
oldmanrob 15 years ago
  @garaffa It's NOT a nazi swastika. For details please check with wikipedia.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  I must not be an expert blockoban gamer to see you guys hit the limit again!
garrafa 15 years ago
  It is a Nazi swastika!

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