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Topic, Count to X till A mod/admin posts

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MeatyDino246 5 years ago
  It's incredible that we're over 30,000 messages into this thing and yet we still have questions about how it works. My interpretation is that I reset it to 0 and then Chris, without saying the next number (which would have been 2), caused a sort of double-reset, and I then counted up one from the second reset.

Not that any of that matters now! 1
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Another issue is that I have no idea if MeatyDino is right with it being 1. He reset the count 'ok', and then said it was now 1. Does this count as a double post, as Chris did post between these messages? Or is this completely fine? The rules don't say...
Dynamo 5 years ago
  Gis maybe could've been a little more specific in the rules saying exactly what it is that special members do.
MeatyDino246 5 years ago
  It's now 1, if my math skills are reliable
chris3000 5 years ago
  So, what is the correct number?
MeatyDino246 5 years ago
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Taking this silly forum game seriously is my speciality.

We are on -1 now. Let me explain. My last message here was correct - subtracting 1 from psychomaster’s reset. Chris said 1 incorrectly which reset the count. greyanna and Dynamo both then posted - but they were not related to the number 1 - so until this post, we were still on 0. So:

-1 :)
Dynamo 5 years ago
  I spy with my 2 little eyes...
greyanna 5 years ago
  seems here are really crazy people
chris3000 5 years ago
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  You bring me back to the start - whereas I progress, in spite of your efforts! -1
psychomaster 5 years ago
  YOU seem to be going around in circles, and I would be the one progressing. 0.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  You seem to be going round in circles, while I would progress except for you blocking me. -1
psychomaster 5 years ago
  I feel like we're speaking some form of broken binary at this point. 0
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  The simple resolution is not the best for the game, so -1.
psychomaster 5 years ago
  Listen. We can work this out. 0.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Objection! -1
psychomaster 5 years ago
  I disagree with your disagreement. 0.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  I've heard you - but I disagree, -1 is where it is.
psychomaster 5 years ago
  It's 0 now. You've heard me, loud and clear.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  It was, but not anymore :-1
psychomaster 5 years ago
  It's 0 now.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Now -1 - because you reset the counter and I subtract one. (It was zero on your last message)
chris3000 5 years ago
  Hey what's supposed to be the next number?
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  It’s now -1 because despite being wrong about the number, you reset the number to zero, this I am able to decrease the number by 1 to -1.
chris3000 5 years ago
  If it's -1, then I add two more the number should be 1, I hope.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  It does :-1
kalina200 5 years ago
  It doesn't really matter, let's just start over;

Coolguy52 5 years ago
  The number is currently '-1' as far as I see it. Going back to what chase said - the number was 0. I reduced the number by 1 - Chris said 3, then you said three. Neither of you were right as it was -1 before either of you messaged, so Chris' message (despite not being related to resetting the count), reset the count to zero, where it remained throughout your message because your message was in no way related to 1. (It may seem odd but resetting the count only takes a post, no matter what it is related to, however counting must relate to the number in question). Thus the count at kalina's message was 0 and now the count is at -1 (unless I am incorrect).
kalina200 5 years ago
  It's 2, but now it's 3.


First post of the topic

gameinsky 15 years ago
  The rules are simple, try to count as high as you can before an admin posts!
You can only post one number in each message.
No doubleposts.

When you missed a number, you go back to the last correct number, example:
Next count should be 4 NOT 5.

Not only direct, but also indirect RIGHT numbers count as one number.
As long as it implies that number.

If an admin posts and the number is higher than 0 it's an automatic 0. Else they reduce one point.
Members do the opposite thing.

List of special members:
Chris3000: Adds 2.
Treazer: Subtract 3.
Gameinsky: Subtract 4.

People get these by being a multiple of the 10 000th post.

Here is the list of valid admins:

Current Record:
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