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Topic, Level "Oblivion Airlines", game "Rolling Turtle"

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totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  note to self: never use toilets, you'll fall into oblivion and die...
Sillius 15 years ago
  Makes sense :D
pkb123 15 years ago
  Yes it was good...if i didnt like it i wouldnt have tried to beat it for so long.
Sillius 15 years ago
  gz hope you enjoyed the difficulty :D
pkb123 15 years ago
Sillius 15 years ago
  you'll have to time your jump perfectly and then jump again when you land on the man's arms
mudvayne732 15 years ago
  How do you get past the part int he beginning???
Sillius 15 years ago
  Should be working perfectly now
Sillius 15 years ago
  ty I'll fix as soon as possible
minmay 15 years ago
  Here you are, I guess...editable again.
Sillius 15 years ago
  Jondeelee I know all this... Asforien edited the map and everything got damaged... I was given control over the map so I could edit it, but I never really wanted to so I just didn't. Now it's accepted and when that's done I only want to ask for one thing (a bit ironic) can I please be given the right to edit this map again? I'll fix everything in the map (still not adding any checkpoints as you wouldn't be able to complete the map with checkpoints) and I promise to make the map at least 30% easier :D

But I'm happy you like it ;D
jondeelee 15 years ago
  If you die *after* you've started both engines, but *before* you've reached the cockpit, the stickman only proceeds about halfway down the hall (to right above the room with the fan and all the stars) when you restart the engines, and then stops. Essentially, then, you have to beat the last half of the level without dying--or start over altogether.

Also: the pilot's final speech is cut off. His final word is just "taste," and it seems like the last few words are missing.

Overall, though, I really like the level, and was particularly impressed by the animation of the engine pistons. Incidentally, I agree that the engines should be left as they are: dangerous. Art imitates life, etc.
Sillius 15 years ago
  and the 1/4 circle at the first engine goes to far down
Sillius 15 years ago
  another reason that i don't want checkpoints is that the man doensn't go far enough if you start at a checkpoint...
Sillius 15 years ago
  Can you please remove the checkpoints ? I wanted to make a level without checkpoints... that's why it's so short :p and about the panels: I know one of the panels didn't work but will you please make them small again or give me the rights to edit the map ? and his punch hasn't been fixed :p his arm has to go back to the other and then be pushed forward :p
Asforien 15 years ago
  List of changes:

Jump boosts: it was terribly hard to get up since the corners were curved.

Starting part: generally, changes were made because there were way too many paths being used. The level is very detailed to begin with.

Ceiling: hitting the leftmost panel didn't open the door before, even though that can actually happen quite frequently.

Hedgehog: has been moved to the left by 1 grid size 4 box.

Boost: no changes were made, I think.

Punch: has been fixed now, sorry about that.

Can you explain the engine bug, I don't see it.

And I believe everyone playing the level would agree that the level is too frustrating without checkpoints.

[edit] Now you can enter the hole anytime and the head will still fall off properly.
Sillius 15 years ago
  k thanks for telling me :p
jp 15 years ago
  I don't think I've edited your level so Asforien must have done it. We edit the leveld to keep an uniformity over the levels but sometimes we miss something. I did'nt check what you told here, I will let Asforien post about it.
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  The checkpoint aren´t working. If you take it and then die won´t the great door open.
Sillius 15 years ago
  who edited my map ?
I dont care about the canons but the checkpoint, the boost he gives you in the start is slowed, his punch is bugged, the enlarged switchs in the start, the hedgehog in the start which doesn't move and the engine bug really bothers me...
nightshade1 15 years ago
  to hard
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  Well i think its fine (ok, maybe a few checkpoints). Its short and not too hard.
Asforien 15 years ago
  The level needs checkpoints.
Sillius 15 years ago
  the map has been finished now I hope you enjoy ;)
Sillius 15 years ago
  If i do that his head will jump into to the hole :p
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  Well the only thing i asked about was to move the rock a little to the left (do it whitout grid)
Sillius 15 years ago
  and i'm not going to fill the small sections with something because accidents happen when you jump around in an engine ;)
Sillius 15 years ago
  about the rock then it also did that before i moved the hole and it was a problem in the start, but if you wait for the man to come then it can't happen
Asforien 15 years ago
  Many sections are very small. The turtle can get stuck in them and die.
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  Now does the rock sometimes fall the wrong way... And the level isnt finished yet.

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Asforien 15 years ago
  How does this level work?
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