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Topic, Math Whiz Quiz Game

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Ferrari12 14 years ago
  GL101: It's 2i!

The square root of a negative number will always be a a complex number, consisting of two parts, a real (Here it's 2) and an imaginary part (Represented by the i). A square root of a negative number will always be a number on the imaginary scale (Correct term?).

An easy way to calculate the square root of a negative number is to pretend the number is positive, then calculate the square root in a normal way ( 0,5(x0+x/x0) or a calculator). When you've got the square root of the positive number, you simply add the i behind and then you've got yourself the square root of a negative number.


Explanation of formula and calculation.
WARNING If your head easily explodes you better not click the spoiler

I'll give you an example but first I'll explain the formula. The formula is quite simple in fact. The formula is "0,5(x0+x divided by x0) = x1"

0,5 is strait forward, a half. An easy way to get the same answer as when multiply by 0,5 is to divide by 2.

Then inside the parenthese there's the x0. x0 representes any guessed square root with a value between the square roots of the two numbers closest to the number we'll find the square root of that has two integers as its square roots. That might sound complicated, but it isn't.

If we are to find the square root of 95 for example we know that the square root of 81 is 9 and the square root of 100 is 10. Therefor the square root of 95 must be a decimal number between 9 and 10. x0 will then represent any number between 9 and 10.

Then there's the x. x is simply the number we're finding the square root of. If we are to find the square root of 95 the x=95.

At last there's the x1. x1 represents the value of x's square root, accurate to two decimals.

Now we'll calculate the square root of -135. As I said we have to pretend -135 is a positive number, so we can use it in our formula

First we start with our formula: 0,5(x0+x/x0)=x1. Then we change x and x0. As the number we'll find the square root of is 135, x=135. We also know the two closest numbers to 135 that has integers as their square roots are 144 and 121, with their square roots 12 and 11. Therefor x0=any number between 11 and 12, we'll use 11,7 now.

So now our formula looks like this: 0,5(11,7+135/11,7)=x1.

As we have to multiply and divide before we add and subtract we'll have to calculate 135/11,7.


. 630
. 585
. ----
.. 450
.. 351
.. ----
... 990
... 936
... ----
.... 54
Residual =54

So now we have 0,5(11,7+11,538)=x1

Now we add 11,7 and 11,538 together and then we end up with 23,238.

Then we end up with 0,5(23,238)=x1. Then we remove the parenthese and calculate 23,238 multiplied by 0,5 or divided by 2. But no matter which way you do it you'll always end up with 11,619.

We now know that 11,619=x1. Therefor 11,61 is the square root of 135=11,61

You can repeat the process by replacing the "x"s with numbers behind them with "x"s with numbers behind that has a value of one more than the old. So x0'll be replaced by x1 and x1 by x2. Each time you do this the accuracy of the square root will increase with one decimal.

Now we'er almost done, but we have to remember we were to find the square root of -135. What we have found is the square root of it's positive equal. However if you remember, turning the square root of a positive number into the square root of it's negative equal is quite simple. As we know the square root of 135 is 11,61. So the square root of its negative equal, -135 is 11,61i, as we add an imaginary part to the real part.

Now...Do I get a cookie?
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Well then, what is the square root of -4?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  duh! -3*-3=9
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Does that mean both -3 and 3 are square roots of 9?

edit: g2g
gameinsky 14 years ago
  I's still a fail.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I was thinking of -2 so I pointed out there are 2
gameinsky 14 years ago
  MARC2008 46 minutes ago
what is the square root of 4?

You didn't say are the square roots.
dingdong 14 years ago
  Oh, i need to say all possible answers?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  wronh it's 2 AND -2
dingdong 14 years ago
  Its not 1. Then it must be 2
Hexicube 14 years ago
  what is the square root of 4?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  garygoh the equasion isnt equal to anything there is nothing on the other side of the equal sign(there isnt even an equal sign)
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  SuperDog: How did you make that last dot?

AK: Hehe. My profile says Norway. But that means I don't have awful grammar or spelling, which I'm very happy with :)

I wanted to live in the USA though. I think the US society fits me better. Atleast how the US society is presented to norwegians.

Here in Norway it's almost like if you're good at something, people hate you for it. That doesn't suit me very well.

The two sentences above might've been concidered so braggy people'd stop talking to me if I'd say it.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  I use:

Decimal: (,)

Numbers 1000 and over: (.)

Multiplying: (x) or (•)
AK 14 years ago
  LOL Because his name is too long, and that's where a capital letter starts:

Ferrari, I thought you were from the Us....

Multiplication=* or X
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  We use a dot placed like the top dot in : for multiplying, but when we have to write on the computer we use "*" this ":" for dividing and "," for decimals. When there's a big number we use "." or spaces.

AK: Why do you use Martinfra in the score list? His name is Martin. His account name means "Martin from Kongsberg".
gameinsky 14 years ago
  It's anoying when you use . for , and other stuff for multyplications, it's just confusing...
We have learned that we us , for deimals.
This is for multyplications .
And if we have a large number we just use spaces.
100 000 000
Garygoh884 14 years ago
My question is: It was known that the equation (3x-4.5)/(2.25-x^2) is 0/0 if x = 1.5. What is the value of 0/0? The answer is -1.

Why? Click the spoiler for an explanation!
Since x=1.5, then 0/0 must be -1.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Still, update first post?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  but that one had no roots :O
AK 14 years ago
  GL101 got the hard question that wasn't supposed to be asked. Since it was harder, it's worth more.

I'll update tommorow.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  But, you can't divide by 0! :O
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  There is only one root of X, is -2.

My question is: It was known that the equation (3x-4.5)/(2.25-x^2) is 0/0 if x = 1.5. What is the value of 0/0? (10p)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  the answer is equivilant to 0/0...
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Update first post?

And for your question: x = -4
Hexicube 14 years ago
  how does GL101 get 6
AK 14 years ago
  Oops, wrong equation........

It was supposed to be X^2+4X+4....

So 6 points for GL101 and 4 for Joe45, he got the question wrong but got the real question right.

None until tomorrow.
gamelover101 14 years ago
Hexicube 14 years ago
  AK it has no roots...
is 4>=16? no
joe45 14 years ago


First post of the topic

AK 14 years ago
  This is a game where you get points for answering math questions the quickest! The more points you get the smarter you are!

Here we go!
First question(1p)


THe NiNJa:37




Oh yes, and because I can't post it anywhere else:


Leader: AK


The 1 and only Golden Gun: Able to be used only by AK. Fingerprint sensitive. Kills anything in one shot.

AK-47: Strong automatic weapon.

Falcon 2: A fast-shooting pistol. Can be used to pistol whip.

DY357-LX: Like the Golden Gun, it kills in one shot, but it's not as fast and can jam.

Callisto NTG: Gun that is created with super-tempered plasma. Ammo can shoot through doors, but not walls.

Combat Knife: A simple knife.

Shotgun: Shoots 6 bullets at once. Only short-range.

FarSight XR-20: Very strong gun, similar properties of Callisto. Can shoot therough anything and has X-ray device on it so you can see through walls to make a kill.

Crossbow: A cutting-edge technology crossbow. Can be loaded with tranquilizer darts or lethal darts.

K7 Avenger: Super strong semi-automatic machine gun.

Mauler: This gun fires heavy laser blasts that can take down even the toughest person with only 2 or 3 blasts.

Tranquilizer: Used to sedidate victims.

Laptop Gun: Super-fast firing machine gun that can be transformed into a Laptop. It can also be attached to a wall and used as a turret.

Dragon: A gun with a high-fire rate and the ability to turn into a self-destruct mine that you can throw.

Reaper: Very weak, but shoots at about 90 bullets per second.

Grenade: Arm, then throw. Can also be changed to "Pinball Mode", in which it bounces off walls until it hits a person.

AR34: Like the Avenger, it is super powerful. However, it can only shoot in short bursts.

SuperDragon: Like the Dragon, except can turn into a grenade launcher.

Slayer: Careful with this one. This is a rocket launcher that allows you to slow down and steer the rockets.

Timed Mine: Tick...tick...tick... BOOM!!!

RC-P120:Super fast machinge gun, effective in only close-range. Has ability to make you invisible for 30 seconds, but this drains all of the ammo.

Rocket Launcher: A basic Rocket Launcher. Useful for.... blowing crap up.

Proximity Mine: The moment anyone comes by.... BOOM!!!

Laser: This gun fires a steady laser pulse that can cut through even the hardest steel.

Devastator: A Grenade AND Rocket Launcher. The rounds are both extremely explosive and can clear an entire room in one blast.

MagSec 4: Shoots 3 rounds per shot. Very effective against one target, but takes long to reload.

Remote Mine: Wait until someone goes close, then press the button...

CMP150: A small, semi-automatic handgun. Its ammo is weak but still capable of killing a human in 2 seconds.

Psychosis Gun: Don't mess around with this, it only has one shot. This will turn a person against you into a member of your team.

Cyclone: A super-fast super-powerful weapon that is highly inaccurate also.

DY357: A super powerful hand pistol. Takes long to reload, but if you have 2, you're unstoppable.

Phoenix: A hand gun that shoots energy orbs. These are very powerful, but ammo is also very limited.

Sniper Rifle: A long-range sniper rifle, capable of killing someone 500 yards away from you.


Hovertank: Hovers above the ground, able to move incredibly fast. Cannot be hit by mines.

Mototank: A weak, pathetic tank. Killed with one shot of anything, fastest tank however.

Rattler: Machine gun instead of a gun. Relatively weak, but not as much as the Mototank.

Goliath: Super strong tank. Main gun kills anything in one or two shots. Slow.

Gattling Goliath: Only availiable for creators of groups. Goliath with gattling guns on left and right sides. Faster than normal.

M1A1 Abrams: A classic tank. Medium strength, medium speed.

M2 Hydra: Small tank, but with 2 machine guns. Pretty fast, not as fast as Rattler.

FLP-E: Strong main gun, but poor shield. HOWEVER, this tank can flip on all sides to avoid any bullets or ammo.

Hornet: Run. This tank can shoot missles. Fast, but weak defenses.

Marksman: Flamethrower for a main gun. Another weak defensive tank.

Rhino: Front is nearly invinsible, can take up to 10 shots from the Goliath. Its back is weak however. Fast-moving.

Anti-Aircraft guns: Able to shoot all aircraft down. Also used to sink ships. Slow-moving.
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