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Topic, Path4Mouse official list

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Treazer 12 years ago
  I don't think officials should be edited, even they may make them better. They had layer updates, which is enough.
Sherlock 12 years ago
  In my opinion, the recent officials may be re-editted with new tiles...
Treazer 12 years ago
  I have to agree with azz. And suggesting his own level without any official votes is awful. And I don't vote for inverted rotor tutorial, it's not a real tutorial, but a great level. And only because a level has the new tiles, it doesn't mean that it could be official.
azz 12 years ago
  Alan Giant Switch maze V2 has no chance of being official.
Sorry but it isn't good enough quality.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Tuto: Inverted Rotor (Path 4 Mouse) since we need to add this new tile.
Never simple... (Path 4 Mouse) to know the difference of hidden paths and walls.
Giant Switch Maze V2 (Path 4 Mouse) I know this is my own level but it pretty much covers most of the new tiles(except floodlights and hidden paths.)

I'll edit this when i found more good levels.
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Sure, suggest a few and me and burfy will go through the list.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  With the new tiles, I think its time for more officials
Treazer 12 years ago
  Gameinsky, he added one^^
gameinsky 12 years ago
  He didn't say he was going to do it, you just started suggesting him.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Uhh... burfy is going to add new officials, so.
gameinsky 12 years ago
  It didn't get bumped for a GOOD reason.
Treazer 12 years ago
  This could get a bump :)
gamelover101 13 years ago
Hexicube 13 years ago
  5 months ago:
"GIS and I will look over this topic tomorrow"
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Is it a bad time to bump?

edit: nvm... :3
gameinsky 13 years ago
  The officials are fine as they are now.
manufan 13 years ago
  Bump! If you're still adding any, I suggest you add a few of kiethy's levels, and my "Corner-Cutting". ;)
gameinsky 13 years ago
  this is te official topic, not the suggestion topic.
SAMSUNG 13 years ago
  What about moving Tiles where the mouse moves over a switch and tiles start moving the way you set them
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Quote from ferrari:

As "tuto" levels I've currently found these two:
Mouse Sensors
Pulse Switches

Non-layered official-worthy levels I've found so far:
Osculable (Nice and simple in every way, I love it.)
3 Laps Race V3.0 (Another one of my self-made personal favorites. Decide for yourself if you like it or not.)
Die to Win (Back in the day this was AWESOME, and I think it stll is.)
(Maybe some of GL's other compact levels, I haven't revisited them all atm)
Incinerator (GIS' suggestion. I agree, but I can' remember why :P)
Magnets (Original conecpt and elegant design)

Layer levels:
The Craze (Unsure about this one, but I decided to list it for now.)
Find the Jewels (Classic and fun conecpt, simple and classy design and an original challenge.)
What's Happening (Brilliant and innovative use of layers.)
Daring Dive (hsf) (Unique design and challenge, one of my all time favorites)
Underwater Rescue (The first level that let us all see the potential in using layers.)
When Bricks are Mad (Same as Incinerator)

I'm currently noting down my opinions on what officials to scrap and what to keep, and I'll always be on the look-out for other official-worthy levels, hidden in the masses.

Please remember everyone, I'm not making this list to try to boss others around, I'm only trying to help :)

- I would add to that we need about 5-8 more art levels :)

Stay in the light (Path 4 Mouse) as bulbusage level.
azz 13 years ago
  I think it should because it is too tedious.
I once got everything in the top half when lava killed me.
(Or maybe it should just be downsized.)
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I think that will be last, the other levels will be edited (only those who need)
still unsure about 62 (checkpoint maze)
azz 13 years ago
  I also don't care if my official is removed because I still have the award!
chris3000 13 years ago
  Should my official have layers in it?
azz 13 years ago
  I didn't think Midnight should have been officialised.
xD I just made a random level that looked vaguely like Elizeas but with checkpoints.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  From whatever I've seen: remove level 8, 45, 64.
Unsure about level 111. Level 118 is also unsure(will most likely be edited).
Quoting geckojsc from Game "Path 4 Mouse"
Hmm, I really can't find that many levels, here's a few...
Sort of possibly maybe remove:
Which one First? (Path 4 Mouse)
Maze 4 Mouse (Path 4 Mouse)
Spinning Mania (Path 4 Mouse)
I don't really like the idea of removing levels though, it seems a shame to disappoint people by removing their officials.

Update (add layer stuff to make them neater):
Opportunity Window (Path 4 Mouse)
Unfair Advantage (Path 4 Mouse)

Quoting Hexicube from Game "Path 4 Mouse"
alright, heres my list for the officials:
Remove: 1,4,8,24,46,47,59,64?,78?,93,111,118?,122?
Edit: 3,5,22,34,37,48?,72
Re-layer: 2,6,11,13,16,19,20,21,27,29,55,57,79,94,99,107,116
Replace 43(Mettalica) with Metallica V2

Quoting gameinsky from Game "Path 4 Mouse"
Either remove level 8 or level 9.
Remove level 20.
Level 22 lacks design.
Unsure about level 29.
Level 47 (Is a level 45 clone).
Level 56 should be renamed.
Not sure about level 61.
Level 62 should be updated with layers.
Level 64.
Not sure about level 74.
Level 77.
Level 85.
Level 93.
Level 99 should get a layer update.
Level 111.
Level 118.
Level 123, unsure, level is a bit like level 62.

That's my list, note that this isn't the official list and that we await for at least 2 more lists to finally remove certain levels.

Quoting Ferrari12 from Path4Mouse official list
Levels to remove:
Level 8: Round and Round (Not needed as we have level 9)
Level 22: Tiny Spinners :3 (Unnecessairy and boring)
Level 24: Tiny Power Nodes (Unnecessairy and boring)
Level 29: Avoid! (Could be refreshed, though)
Level 47: Midnight (Rip-Off)
Level 64: Checkpoint Maze (Overkill)
Level 88: Are you serious (Remove or refresh)

Levels to refresh:
Level 25: Old Style level (Could be refreshed, though not necessairy)
Level 56: Moving Maze (Should be renamed and cheatproofed)
Level 68: Maze 4 Mouse (I want my officials to have style, so I'd love to make it neater :D)
Level 78: Spinning Mania (Refresh)
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  I strongly agree with GIS on that one.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I'd prefer to update as many levels as possible, but there's 4 levels that should be removed tho.
either 8 or 9 (duplicate)
Level 47 (lvl 45 duplicate)
Level 64 (overkill and not fun at all)
Level 111 (bad design, overly not original)
azz 13 years ago
  Lol sorry.
I'm just in an argumentative mood xD.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  ill change my sentence
azz quit arguing with everyone


First post of the topic

Hexicube 13 years ago
  I've lately been considering the official level list on Path4Mouse, and I've ended with the conclusion that I should make a new list which has layered levels as well as regular ones. I would like feedback as to which levels should be official, as well as your opinion on scrapping the official level list, just in case it's better to swap out a few levels instead.

GIS and I will look over this topic tomorrow and determine whether we will do this, and if we do, which levels to be set as official. Also, you may nominate already official levels to stay official, I really don't mind as long as I get some layered levels in! ;)
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