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Topic, Front page editors

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Hexicube 15 years ago
  refresh the page whilst holding 'CTRL'
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  I found a bug when I was about the change the image of my slide.

Firstly I uploaded a new image, the new level URL and a new level description, then I save the changes.

Secondly when I return the slideshow list, the original image displays on my slide, instead of the new one. the description and the URL changed.
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Gratz Elizea for 160 EXP

P.S. 100 commment
jp 15 years ago
  thx Garygoh884,but each charcter doesn't have the same width. That's why I can't give a precise limit. And that's why you can see the result of your slide once you submit it.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  i think this list should be posted under the slides- editors
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  This is odd...

The description of the advertisement is overlapped...
(I guess, the maximum character limit is not right...)
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  Let's see... when will another slide be appeared on the front page? Is it every 24 hours, 2 days, or more?

And also, I like to make slides which are intresting. I like to make advertisement images, with my favourite font. When you need a new slide, PM me for an image, with the level's ID.
jp 15 years ago
  No more slides in the slide show ? Maybe I should increase the number of EXP you win for a slide show ?
gundu 15 years ago
  Oh It work fine now thanks ^^
jp 15 years ago
  gundu, there was a bug, can you log out / log in and let me knwo if there is still those errors on the top ?
Elizea 15 years ago
  gundu Editor lvl 1 (create own), thats what i see in the editors in the slideshow thing
gundu 15 years ago
  Why I can't see the slideshow editor?
Elizea 15 years ago
  no you arent gundu =P
gundu 15 years ago
  I'm I removed of the slideshow editor?

[edit] Oh and why when I click on my profile page I see alot of thing wrote on the top?

Elizea 15 years ago
  oh thx jp x)
jp 15 years ago
  Done, Elizea just won about 160 EXP. And gecko 50 EXP. Only approved slides make 10 EXP (FAQ updated).
gameinsky 15 years ago
  That will engage the slidemakers to make more :DDD
jp 15 years ago
  I will reward slide shows on front page. Something like 10 EXP by approved slide should be fine. This is a nice amount for Elizea.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Yea, I kinda forgot about the slides (I've been trying to learn lots of programming languages and other stuff, so I haven't been very active recently).
I just made one about Launcher 2 though, so you can add that when you're ready.
Elizea 15 years ago
  @jp, im in berlin, and i havent seen a internet cafe with photoshop yet xD. i will continue making them when i have to come home from here
gameinsky 15 years ago
If I knew hot to make those special fonts and to select a square who is exactely the dimension needed i wil try to make one as test.
MooKings 15 years ago
  Maybe someone is trying to make a very very good slide
jp 15 years ago
  @Zodiac, it's not so great. The font you chose is not really related to a song theme.

By the way, after the begining with a lot of new slides, there is no new slides since a long time. Is there a problem or is this simply too much time consuming ?
Elizea 15 years ago
  @Zodiac, is that 250x180 pixels? o_O

and the text would come over that 'The Turtle Song'. And idk but the right side looks somehow stupid when the color changes a bit (not trying to blame... try to take this as helpful comment so that you will remember my words when you make your next one) :)
Zodiac 15 years ago
  I got a slide for the turtle song:

Geckojsc takes you to the world of beatiful sounds! Come and listen to this awesome song made using Rolling Turtle sounds.

Maybe i can be a Front page editor plz?
1jase 15 years ago
  you guys should put the chatroom up there.
Treazer 15 years ago
Maybe you should put "The Teams Forum" in "Whats Hot?" and "Collab Contest" too? Because Thats isnt a level...
gundu 15 years ago
  Thanks ^^

I spend more time on it
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Gundu, your most recent entry is really good! Well done!
jp 15 years ago
  I changed the collab contest, it's now a swf (you have to reset the cache of your browser).

BonusLevel website and API

First post of the topic

jp 15 years ago
  A front page editor must be mature, master a graphic software like photoshop / paint shop pro. And likes to play all many levels. And be available. Designing the slides is very time cosuming.

so far I've added gundu and captain_404, I will add any other game developers in case they want to feature a level on front page. (like Gecko)

I think maybe oh_bebe could also do the job if she has time. And many others.

I think the good candidates for front page or those levels that are great but that can't be or are not yet officials.

gundu and Captain, you can access the slideshow admin from your profile page.

You can go on this topic to suggest the levels to be highlighted on front page.
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