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Topic, Front page editors

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Garygoh884 14 years ago
  I like to make slides which represent the best and the most creative levels.

Nice motion for geckojsc's slide.
Treazer 14 years ago
  geckojsc made it allyally. And yes its totally nice!
allyally 14 years ago
  Wow, love the new slide for my lvl! Who made it?
gameinsky 14 years ago
Slides should be of: fun and beatiful levels (not from levels you find challengic, gary)
From neat levels (so messy vulcanic levels don't count)
Level needs to be logn enough( level with one simple short challenges aren't that fun)

What I understand of "self-promoting"
Showing your OWN levels everywhere.
But brolling made slide from levels from other authors ?
Or is "self-promoting" in your meaning "making things in attempt to join a club ?"
allyally 14 years ago
  If you do a slide promoting your own lvl,
Elizea 14 years ago
  Self-promoting? Tell me how they are self-promoting?!
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  I can't have your slides, Brolling. We can't do slides which are self-promoting.
Elizea 14 years ago
  Nothing bad on the slides (except that there aren't the level makers names on the picture).

Those levels are also very old, and are not the best ones to highlight. It seems that garygoh884 doesn't understand this either as he keeps making slides of levels made over a year ago, and levels that would get rejected today.

Are those 250x180 pixels btw?
Treazer 14 years ago
  And i made one for Eyes (Rolling Turtle) by birjolaxew.

And how is this?

Treazer 14 years ago
  I've made one for Large Marathon (Rolling Turtle) by Garygoh884. How is it?

Garygoh884 14 years ago
  Great slide, I don't think that was too fast.
allyally 14 years ago
  Then why is it playing so much faster? BTW very cool, if only I could decipher flash!
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Its suposed to look like this:

jp 14 years ago
  Wow, that's an awesome slide show! It's on front page now, thx demonicyoshi! Can you tell how you did to convert ?
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Okay i think i finally was able to convert the file to swf without any problems... im not shure though because it still looks like its moving too fast...
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  Nobody knows it, but oh_bebe or gundu can test it...
jp 14 years ago
  Don't know if it works but here is a tutorial : gif to swf.
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  That has been an unusual question for me.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  well i already saved it as a gif, and i no-longer have the original unsaved copy. So i can no-longer edit the animation to change its file type.
Gamemaster 14 years ago
  no, you press "save as" and there will be a drop down list where it will say save as ".swf" and ".gif". At least that happens on most computers
Ahroo 14 years ago
  erm... make a copy and type '.swf' instead of '.gif'? :/

it seems that usually determines what a file is. :/
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  I have a problem. I made an animated slide (as a gif file), but when i uploaded it it wasnt animated. When i went on the chat, Elizea imformed me that it needed to be saved as a SWF file, but i dont know how to convert my file to SWF.

Can some one help me?
Hexicube 15 years ago
  most are of a fair difficulty and the challenge is speed mainly, some involve trickery and a few are extremely hard, but good anyway!
Elizea 15 years ago
  Garygoh884, may I ask you to do slides of levels that are recently done and very high quality. I don't see any idea to make slides of levels that were made before I found out this site, as they are under average quality nowadays.

It seems that when newbies come to the site and see that levels like it are highlighted (and some official) they don't understand to set a lot more focus on their levels. We get a lot of rejected JG2 levels each week for example.

There are good levels made nowadays too that are a lot better than those you are making slides off. :)
jp 15 years ago
  Yes that's a cache problem. You have to clean the cache of your browser.
Garygoh884 15 years ago

I'd cleared my cache, but it appeared to be the same.

But also, I used this in my other web browser (besides Safari), it remained constant.
gundu 15 years ago
  A level 2 slideshow editor Accept the slideshow (For now only Jp can)
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Hmm... should there be level 2 slideshow editors? what would they do? :/
Hexicube 15 years ago
  not a glitch your browsers remember the pictures so you have to clean out the cache to fix it
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  This is a glich in your internet browser, the samething happens to me.

BonusLevel website and API

First post of the topic

jp 15 years ago
  A front page editor must be mature, master a graphic software like photoshop / paint shop pro. And likes to play all many levels. And be available. Designing the slides is very time cosuming.

so far I've added gundu and captain_404, I will add any other game developers in case they want to feature a level on front page. (like Gecko)

I think maybe oh_bebe could also do the job if she has time. And many others.

I think the good candidates for front page or those levels that are great but that can't be or are not yet officials.

gundu and Captain, you can access the slideshow admin from your profile page.

You can go on this topic to suggest the levels to be highlighted on front page.
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