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Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.![]() FORUM OVERLAP!!! ![]() I'M ALL WET!!!:( :) Root Beer Floats! Quarry Community Church Pastor Billy Brandon Random bits from my night...... I'm still wet, but my DSi is fine..... I like cheese! ![]() It's BBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (I have 17 episodes on my iPod, the rest I have on my computer but havent had the time to iPod them yet) ![]() ![]() ![]() greet.text = "Hello World"; this.addChild(greet); ![]() Message replacement removed due to appropriate content Message removed due to not not making sense Message removed for not not not not using the same word 4 times in a row Message replacement inaproppreatly removed for replacing the original removed message replacement. Sentance removed for being too long and going on and on about removed messages claiming that they are replacements to previous removed messages and being removed, as the original message that did not really deserve to be removed will be the next sentence, although it is highly likely that it will also be removed for some stupid reason, much like this sentance has been removed for being too long, although, if you have read it up to this point u will know that at this point it us not actually too long, it has just been removed due to the fact that it will be too long when it's finished and that some might count it as spam and blame me for not putting it in a spoiler, and then they might get mad and throw pot plants at me, and that wouldn't be fun, unless one of them was empty and I caught it on my head, because then I would be able to say 'Fezzes are cool' because fezzes look a lot like pot plant pots, even though they are not, as proven when the Doctor wore one in The Big Bang which was the most recent Doctor Who episode as of when I wrote this and soon this message will have another reason to be removed, which is due to straying off topic, which is why I changed the subject back to this message being removed, which was the original topic, as proven by a Martian by the name of Joe. This message has been removed for claiming to be the original message This message has been removed due to the author not knowing how to make the font look funny This message has been removed due to illness This message has been removed due to calling the font variations used in previous comments 'funny' This message hasn't been removed due to inapropriate content This mess (age) has to be cleaned up This message has been removed due to wanting to dance This message has been removed due to it's author asking nicely for instuctions on how to make font look funny This message has been set on fire due to it being made of wood (I accidently dropped a match on it) This message is stupid This message has been removed due to warring intentions This message has been replaced due to the original 'accidently'' eating an exploding painapple This message has been removed for informing us of why the previous message was removed This message has been removed due to laughing at one of the previous messages intentional typo One of the previous messages has been removed due to racism against painapples The previous message has been removed for re-using the racist joke about pineapples This message is going to be removed 3 seconds after Shiro reads it This message has been removed due to intentional racism, although the intended racism wasn't intended to be intentional This message removed itself due to the ridiculous length of this comment and all the removed messages This comment has been removed due to pointlessness This message has been removed for having 2 reasons to be removed This message hates it's life as a removed message This removed message has been removed due to being a removed message This message smells like vomit This message is a joke This message thinks it's author needs to get a life This mesage thenxs tat this messagge is baadlly spellt This message has been removed due to removing itself This message has been removed due to gambling This 14 year old message has been removed due to watching MA15+ movies This message has been removed due to large spaces between itself and the messages directly above and below it This message is bored This message is a waste of space This message thinks this comment has gone on long enough already This author needs more time to think of stupid 'This message has been removed due to...' messages. ![]() |