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Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...

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lololol 14 years ago
  Dont u jst h8 goin 2 school? i rnt in school so im happy see u l8ter
- chel-c
Im 14 years ago
  Haiku are awesome
They are my friend they really are
Not lolololol
murtaza64 14 years ago
  You are an archer (lvl 80/100)
You can cast a lvl 3/3 supernova
You have 95/100 bronze
Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 64/100)
You have won 884 battles
You have lost 21 battles
Your arch nemesis is Darth Vader
You live in your arch nemesis's brain
You tried to kill yourself 4 times then succeeded using a pillow
You always wanted to be the ruler of the universe

murtaza64 14 years ago
  You are a cleric (lvl 16/100)
You can cast a lvl 3/3 bash
You have 32/100 bronze
Your sidekick is an archer (lvl 65/100)
You have won 475 battles
You have lost 182 battles
Your arch nemesis is an evil lord
You live in the sea
You tried to kill Chuck Norris 4 times then succeeded using nachos
You always wanted your arch nemesis to spontainously combust

Hey MARC, can I borrow (or have) the FLA file for this, to add stuff/make it look better?
murtaza64 14 years ago
  You are a mage (lvl 53/100)
You can cast a lvl 3/3 firebolt
You have 31/100 bronze
Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 19/100)
You have won 436 battles
You have lost 139 battles
Your arch nemesis is an evil lord
You live in a mansion
You tried to kill a sea monster 9 times then succeeded using overexposure to Chuck Norris
You always wanted to find wally
murtaza64 14 years ago
  You are a cleric (lvl 22/100)
You can cast a lvl 2/3 heal
You have 46/100 platinum
Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 94/100)
You have won 759 battles
You have lost 534 battles
Your arch nemesis is an evil lord
You live in a palace
You tried to kill Chuck Norris 9 times then succeeded using fire
You always wanted explosions
Im 14 years ago
Im 14 years ago
  7®¥ 7|-|1$ £337 7®4|\|$£470®.
7¥p3 1|\| |-|3®3, 4|\|Ð $33 7|-|3 \/\/0®Ð$ 7®4|\|$£473 70 £337.
Im 14 years ago
  Ads by Google

Microsoft OFFICE2003



gamelover101 14 years ago
all your ads were in chinese!

免费下载=free download
免费下载软件=free software download
软件下载=software download
播放免费下载=play (as in playing media) free download
Hexicube 14 years ago
  You are a mage (lvl 15/100)
You can cast a lvl 2/3 heal
You have 43/100 silver
Your sidekick is a fighter (lvl 14/100)
You have won 913 battles
You have lost 98 battles
Your arch nemesis is Darth Vader
You live in your arch nemesis's brain
You tried to kill your alternate personality 9 times then succeeded using a rocket launcher
You always wanted to see Chuck Norris

alternate personality OVERKILL!!! :D
Hexicube 14 years ago
  You are a mage (lvl 20/100)
You can cast a lvl 1/3 supernova
You have 41/100 platinum
Your sidekick is an archer (lvl 6/100)
You have won 743 battles
You have lost 686 battles
Your arch nemesis is Darth Vader
You live in your arch nemesis's brain
You almost killed a sea monster 1 times and succeeded using using a pillow
You always wanted a better weapon
[edit] hosted on BL :3
don't worry it's tiny file size :)
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Ads by Google
Hexicube 14 years ago
  my epic hidden quest revealer shown me these 10 facts about it:
You are a fighter (lvl 64/100)
You can cast a lvl 1/3 supernova
You have 13/100 silver
Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 49/100)
You have won 131 battles
You have lost 795 battles
Your arch nemesis is an evil lord
You live in a police station
You almost killed Chuck Norris 7 times and succeeded using using overexposure to Chuck Norris
You always wanted a football
gamelover101 14 years ago
  man, leet screws up the ads

the first one, OFFICE2003 下载, actually means Microsoft Office 2003 Download in Chinese

Wierd, eh?
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Ads by Google
OFFICE2003 下载




I'm not copying the Gamelover's comment
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Ads by Google

SuperMario 14 years ago
  Let's play soccer... without ball! xD
Im 14 years ago
  Æ’0®|{ Â¥0µ. Â¥0µ 4®3 4 $7µp1Ð ß34(|-|. 0|-|, $0®®¥! Â¥0µ Ð0|\|'7 µ|\|Ð3®$74|\|Ð \/\/|-|47 1'|\/| $4Â¥1|\|9... 3p1($ Æ’41£$!Æ’41£$ ®|-|Â¥|\/|3$ \/\/17|-|... $4£3$! (0_0) 0|\/|ħ9 7|-|47'$ 4\/\/3$0|\/|3$4µ(3 Æ’7\/\/ £0£.... |-|3Â¥, \/\/|-|47 $|-|0µ£Ð \/\/3 74£|{ 4ß0µ7? Æ’007ß4££? 1 7|-|1|\||{ ß4Â¥3®|\| |\/|µ|\|1(|-| \/\/1££ \/\/1|\|... 1 Ð0|\|'7 |{|\|0\/\/ \/\/|-|Â¥. 16 |\/|1|\|$ 1|\|70 7|-|3 94|\/|3 |\|0\/\/! \/\/0\/\/! 4|\|Ð $71££ |\|0 904£$... |°|-|µ(|{... 0-0 \/\/417... 17'$ |\|07 16 |\/|1|\|$... 17'$ 16 |\/|1|\|$ 4|\|Ð 35 $3($/$3)( |\|0\/\/! (00£... ßµ7.. $71££ |\|0 904£$? \/\/|-|47'$ \/\/®0|\|9 \/\/17|-| 7|-|3|\/|? $(0®3 $0|\/|3 ƒµÐ91|\|9 904£$!... |\|0\/\/! |°£34$3? \/\/|-|473\/3®... >_> (4|\| Â¥0µ ®34Ð 7|-|1$? 0|\|£¥ |\|00ß$ (4|\|... |\|07 7|-|47 1 4|\/| 4 |\|00ß, 1 |\/|34|\|.. Â¥0µ... 4®3... 1Æ’ Â¥0µ (4|\|.. ®34Ð 7|-|1$... Â¥34|-|. Â¥0µ |{|\|0\/\/, 1|\/| 1$ p®377Â¥ |-|07, 1$|\|'7 |-|- 0|\/|Æ’9! 19 |\/|1|\|$ |\|0\/\/! 4|\|Ð 9µ3$$ \/\/|-|47? |\|0 904£$! )(Ð \/\/|-|473\/3®... 1 (0µ£Ð|\|'7 $(0®3 4 904£ 1|\| 150 |\/|1|\|$ $0... Â¥34|-|... $|-|1®0? 4®3 Â¥0µ 7|-|3®3? |-|3££0? 1'££ (4££ Â¥0µ £473®.

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Shiro 14 years ago
  I don't like football :P.
Im 14 years ago
  we can talk football
omg 13 mins into the match now ftwftwftw
Shiro 14 years ago
  \/\/3££, 1 4|\/| p®377Â¥ $µ®3 Â¥0µ 4®3|\|'7 901|\|9 70 ®34Ð 7|-|3 |\|3)(7 |\/|3$$493 :)
17'$ 901|\|9 70 ß3 p®377¥ £0|\|9, $0 937 ®34Ð¥ ^^
|-||\/||\/|, 1 |-|4\/3 |\|0 1Ð34 \/\/|-|47 70 74£|{ 4ß0µ7, ¥0µ 907 4|\| 1Ð34 |\/|4¥ß3 :(?
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|-||\/||\/|, ß0|\|µ$£3\/3£.0®9 :Ð?
|\|4|-|, 700 ß0®1|\|9, ߥ3.

Pwned <3
Im 14 years ago
  Yes, I do.
Shiro 14 years ago
  Ð03$ 4|\|Â¥0|\|3 µ|\|Ð3®$74|\|Ð 7|-|1$?
Im 14 years ago
murtaza64 14 years ago
  |} | + ( |-|
Im 14 years ago
murtaza64 14 years ago
  |= |_| ( |< that and |= |_| ( |< YOU
Im 14 years ago


First post of the topic

Hexicube 15 years ago
  Well, I can't make the title ay bigger because it's at the limit right now...beans...lots and lots of I don't even like beans!
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