Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.not - chel-c You can cast a lvl 3/3 supernova You have 95/100 bronze Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 64/100) You have won 884 battles You have lost 21 battles Your arch nemesis is Darth Vader You live in your arch nemesis's brain You tried to kill yourself 4 times then succeeded using a pillow You always wanted to be the ruler of the universe I AM AWESOME You can cast a lvl 3/3 bash You have 32/100 bronze Your sidekick is an archer (lvl 65/100) You have won 475 battles You have lost 182 battles Your arch nemesis is an evil lord You live in the sea You tried to kill Chuck Norris 4 times then succeeded using nachos You always wanted your arch nemesis to spontainously combust Hey MARC, can I borrow (or have) the FLA file for this, to add stuff/make it look better? You can cast a lvl 3/3 firebolt You have 31/100 bronze Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 19/100) You have won 436 battles You have lost 139 battles Your arch nemesis is an evil lord You live in a mansion You tried to kill a sea monster 9 times then succeeded using overexposure to Chuck Norris You always wanted to find wally You can cast a lvl 2/3 heal You have 46/100 platinum Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 94/100) You have won 759 battles You have lost 534 battles Your arch nemesis is an evil lord You live in a palace You tried to kill Chuck Norris 9 times then succeeded using fire You always wanted explosions 7Â¥p3 1|\| |-|3®3, 4|\|à $33 7|-|3 \/\/0®Ã$ 7®4|\|$£473 70 £337. å…费下载 Microsoft OFFICE2003 å…费下载软件 æ’放å…费下载 lool all your ads were in chinese! å…费下载=free download å…费下载软件=free software download 软件下载=software download æ’放å…费下载=play (as in playing media) free download You can cast a lvl 2/3 heal You have 43/100 silver Your sidekick is a fighter (lvl 14/100) You have won 913 battles You have lost 98 battles Your arch nemesis is Darth Vader You live in your arch nemesis's brain You tried to kill your alternate personality 9 times then succeeded using a rocket launcher You always wanted to see Chuck Norris alternate personality OVERKILL!!! :D You can cast a lvl 1/3 supernova You have 41/100 platinum Your sidekick is an archer (lvl 6/100) You have won 743 battles You have lost 686 battles Your arch nemesis is Darth Vader You live in your arch nemesis's brain You almost killed a sea monster 1 times and succeeded using using a pillow You always wanted a better weapon [edit] hosted on BL :3 don't worry it's tiny file size :) You are a fighter (lvl 64/100) You can cast a lvl 1/3 supernova You have 13/100 silver Your sidekick is a cleric (lvl 49/100) You have won 131 battles You have lost 795 battles Your arch nemesis is an evil lord You live in a police station You almost killed Chuck Norris 7 times and succeeded using using overexposure to Chuck Norris You always wanted a football the first one, OFFICE2003 下载, actually means Microsoft Office 2003 Download in Chinese Wierd, eh? OFFICE2003 下载 2.0 F2ATV ランワン100 I'm not copying the Gamelover's comment ß4Â¥3®|\| |\/|ü|\|(|-|3|\| 09 $4|\/|µ3£ 370'0$ 1|\|73® ß4®|{3® $4|\/||\/|3|\| pÃ¥ $4|\|71490 ß3®|\|4ßéµ 1 |\/|4î1à 1 Æ’1|\|4£3|\| 1 µ3Æ’4 (|-|4|\/|p10|\|$ £349µ3. 1|\|73® $1|{®37 $39 $1|\| ƒø®$73 Æ’1|\|4£3 1 3µ®0p4$ 9_|3\/3$73 |{£µßß7µ®|\|3®1|\|9 pÃ¥ 38 å® 3773® 3-2 $4|\/||\/|3|\|£497 |\/|07 ®39_|3®3|\|Ã3 |\/|3$73® ß4®(3£0|\|4. _|0$é |\/|0µ®1|\||-|0$ |\/|4|\||\|$|{4p £4 9®µ|\||\|£4937 Æ’0® Æ’1|\|4£3$p1££ |\/|3à 3|\| $73®|{ 3-1-$313® pÃ¥ |-|_|3|\/||\/|3ß4|\|3. 1 ®37µ®0pp9_|ø®37 pÃ¥ (4|\/|p |\|0µ Æ’0®$\/4®73 1|\|73® $39 |\/|3$73®£19 |\/|07 ß4®(3£0|\|4$ 4|\|9®3p$4®|\/|é, 7®0$$ Ã3|\| 71ã193 µ7\/1$|\|1|\|93|\| 4\/ 7|-|1490 |\/|0774. ß4Â¥3®|\| |\/|ü|\|(|-|3|\| |{|\|µ$73 £¥0|\| 4-0 $4|\/||\/|3|\|£497 1 Ã3|\| 4|\|î3 $3|\/|1Æ’1|\|4£3|\|, 3773® $70®$313® 09 7®3 $(0®1|\|93® 4\/ |{®0473|\| 1\/1(4 0£1( 1 Ã3|\| 4\/9_|ø®3|\|Ã3 ß0®73|{4|\/|p3|\|. 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u r not haiku lol noob
u r not noob lol