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Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...

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gamelover101 14 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago
SuperMario 14 years ago
  i suck at life.
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  The transcript from Jingleheimer Junction, which had been messed up.

Jingleheimer Joe: [ entering the set ] Well, hello, hello. Glad to see you all back again with ol' Jingleheimer Joe for more good times. So, let's all become friends and get in a togetherness mood, with your good old pals, the Junction Gang.

[ train whistle sound effect. Katie Kindness, with "K" on chest, enters side door ]

Jingleheimer Joe: Katie Kindness!

[ train whistle sound effect. Carla Caring, with "C" on chest, enters side door ]

Jingleheimer Joe: Carla Caring!

[ train whistle sound effect. Umberto Unity, with "U" on chest, enters side door ]

Jingleheimer Joe: And Umberto Unity!

[ the kids are lined up to Jingleheimer Joe's right: Umberto Unity, Carla Caring and Katie Kindness, the letters on their chests spelling out "UCK" ]

Jingleheimer Joe: Hey, Junction Gang! How are you all today?

Katie Kindness: Better than ever!

Carla Caring: We made a new friend! He's going to join the Junction Gang!

Jingleheimer Joe: [ curious ] New friend? I didn't hear anything about a new friend.

Carla Caring: Well, why don't you meet him?

Katie Kindness: Hey, new friend! Come on down!

( train whistle sound effect. Fred Friendship, with "F" on chest, enters back door, stands next to Katie Kindness, spelling "UCKF")

Umberto Unity: Meet our new friend, Fred Friendship!

Fred Friendship: "F" is for "Friendship"!

Jingleheimer Joe: Um.. I'm not sure that this is a good idea.

Katie Kindness: Not a good idea? Why, friendship is the best idea!

Carla Caring: In fact, I think Fred Friendship should go to the front of the line!

Jingleheimer Joe: Uh.. no, no. He shouldn't.

Fred Friendship: [ excited ] Yes, I should!

Umberto Unity: To the front of the line, Fred!

Jingleheimer Gang: [ chanting ] "F"! "F"! "F"! "F"! "F"! "F"! "F"! "F"! "F"!

[ Freddie Friendship dances slowly to the front of the line ]

[ cut to "Please Stand By" graphic, showing farmer trying to remove cow from train tracks ]

[ cut back to Jingleheimer Joe wrestling Fred Friendship to the ground ]

Jingleheimer Joe: Okay, Fred, that's enough of you! It's time for you to get out of here, okay!

Katie Kindness: Jingleheimer Joe, that's not being friendly.

Fred Friendship: No, it's not!

Carla Caring: Maybe we should sing the "Togetherness Song" for Jingleheimer Joe.

Fred Friendship: Yeah, let's do it! I'll go stand over there with the Gang!

Jingleheimer Joe: No. No, you won't! You'll stand right here.

[ music intro starts song ]

Jingleheimer Gang: [ singing ] "You can't have togetherness, without four things:"

Carla Caring: "Caring."

Katie Kindness: "And Kindness."

Fred Friendship: "Friendship!"

Umberto Unity: "And Unity."

Jingleheimer Gang: [ singing ] "Come see what joy these four can be."

Jingleheimer Joe: Okay, uh.. that's great. Now, we're gonna..

Carla Caring: Letter Call-out!

Fred Friendship: [ moving forward ] "F"!

Umberto Unity: [ moving forward ] "U"!

[ cut to "Please Stand By" graphic, showing farmer trying to remove cow from train tracks ]

[ cut back to Jingleheimer Gang, Katie Kindness moving forward ]

Jingleheimer Gang: "K"!

Jingleheimer Joe: Okay. Alright. I think that's enough. That's enough.

Katie Kindness: No, it's not. It's time for "Mish-Mash Mix-em-up.

Jingleheimer Gang: Yeah!

Carla Caring: Spread out, everyone, until someone says, "Freeze!"

[ the Jingleheimer Gang starts to spin around one another in different combinations - Fred Friendship around Umberto Unity, Carla Caring around Katie Kindness and other combinations, until "U-C-K" can be seen with Fred Friendship almost turned completely around. ]

Jingleheimer Joe: That's it! Stop it! [ rushes Fred Friendship ] No, no, no!!

[ cut to "Please Stand By" graphic, showing farmer trying to remove cow from train tracks ]

[ cut back to Jingleheimer Joe wrestling Fred Friendship to the ground ]

Jingleheimer Joe: I've had enough of you! Get out of here, Fred!

Fred Friendship: [ hurt] Ow! I just want to be with my friends!

Umberto Unity: We're supposed to be learning about friendship, Joe.

Jingleheimer Joe: Shut up, Umberto!

Fred Friendship: Whoa. I think somebody around here has completely missed our message of togetherness.

Katie Kindness: I think we'd better tell him what we're all about.

Fred Friendship: This song's about Togetherness.

Katie Kindness: [ starts singing ] "What we're spelling out for you-ou.. Is really, really good to do-oo. Caring and kindness are the perfect fit."

Umberto Unity: [ singing ] "You can do it anywhere! In a parking lot or on a chair!"

Carla Caring: [ singing ] "Inside and outsi-i-i-ide!"

Jingleheimer Gang: [ singing and gyrating ] "In and out, and in and out, and in and out, and in and out.." [ backs now turned ]

Katie Kindness: [ turns around singing, reveals "K" ] "Oh, yeah!"

Carla Caring: [ turns around singing, reveals "C" ] "Baby!"

Umberto Unity: [ turns around singing, reveals "U" ] "Baby!"

Jingleheimer Joe: [ once again rushes Fred Friendship before he can turn around ] Noooooo!!!

[ Jingleheimer Joe wrestles Fred Friendship to the ground one last time, as "Jingleheimer Junction" ends ]

Jingleheimer Joe does not want the F-word in this show!
SuperMario 14 years ago
  where am i? Where did i came from?
gamelover101 14 years ago

SuperMario 14 years ago

Magic_X 14 years ago
  lol, no really xD
Hexicube 14 years ago
  uh you need to go to amarillo, go west until you hit the yellow brick road, go north, up that road, for about 2 miles, you should see a wormhole, after entering it you will arrive in world 3-5 or new super mario bros, go half-way through the level and do SELECT SELECT A A B X A Y Y START then hold L and R for 3 seconds, you will teleport back to amarillo and a chest will appear, the key is in your pocket
Magic_X 14 years ago
  Where do i go to find it?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  good, I heard that you've been framed the movie is coming out too...
Magic_X 14 years ago
  Ok i will! xD
Hexicube 14 years ago
  watch 'n00bz getz pwned, the musical!' then...
Magic_X 14 years ago
Hexicube 14 years ago
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  n00bz getz pwned,the musical!
Hexicube 14 years ago
the only rule:
DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE GAME! even if it just pops into your head YOU LOSE!
Magic_X 14 years ago
  uh, what game?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  you lost the game...
Magic_X 14 years ago
SuperMario 14 years ago
  I like cheeseburgers too.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  You know what?
azz 14 years ago
  I like cheeseburgers bwahahahaha nununu kaplooga-shoop-da-woop lolz epic fail error error bleep bleep
Shiro 14 years ago
  Lol gamelover, you would get something like this : SPARTAAA
gamelover101 14 years ago
Hexicube 14 years ago
  Quoting Hexicube from Offtopic post
I was looking through my mediafire account which I haven't used in AGES, and found Ultimate Random Wars (BL version) which I made in January
feel free to play ;D
Magic_X 14 years ago
  School is borin
AK 14 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago
  [spiler]Oh no! I spilled my water all over the table! :O[/spiler]


First post of the topic

Hexicube 15 years ago
  Well, I can't make the title ay bigger because it's at the limit right now...beans...lots and lots of I don't even like beans!
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