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Topic, Game "Xanward Urthadar"

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THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  hitTest() fails because the AS2 movie gets loaded inside an AS3 movie.

As an example try the editor for this game. It doesn't work properly.
Then try running the editor alone:
Hexicube 15 years ago
  when loading AS2 movies into AS3 movies, movieclips have a variety of bugs ranging from missing text to actionscript depth problems
murtaza64 15 years ago
  I think it is when the uh buttons don't work or something.
jp 15 years ago
  What is the BL screwup ?
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  I did actually read the BLAPI instructions, but not good enough.
The editor doesn't place tiles when selecting buttons - it's only due to "the epic BL screwup".
I'm not sure jp is aware of this problem, maybe we should notify him?
And I like the current design, so I'll have to find another way to make it work.

Like getting checking if the mouse is inside a certain zone.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  you don't experience the bug because you don't go through the epic BL screwup...
Treazer 15 years ago
  The editor is nice!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  yes, and also it's because you never read the BLAPI instructions :D
[edit] ah now I see what bug you mean with buttons...try making the buttons always there on the left hand side...and also make the editor NOT place tiles when selecting buttons!
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  Yes MARC2008, you're a true flash guru. ;)

(Thanks, I'm dumb)
Hexicube 15 years ago
  also, seeing as you never mentioned, even though my help was small in this game (11 characters of code on 1 line XD), it was an EXTREMELY important bug fix which you missed :P
'return true' within BLAPI to show editor buttons
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  @Marc, it is.
And stop the concept discussion. This has already been discussed and is for no good. Xioniz was not Gundu's original game, it is a game I've created partially from the concept of gundu's game BlueBlue (about a bubble), but with more functions / different theme etc.

And yes, gundu will be added as Admin Lvl 2, as well as credited inside the game, please don't post messages about a subject you don't know very much about.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  concept is a small asepct of a game, it's like saying someone thought about the fact there should be computers once but someone else invented them
minimariner 15 years ago
  What i don't get is why the bottom 3 people on the scores has '0 (0 Lvls)'

@Brolling: I agree, Xioniz was gundu's original game.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  THeNiNJa thinks I'm awesome. :D
murtaza64 15 years ago
  Lol hahahah now this is offtopic but there should also be:
"Special Thanks to mj da brave for being so brave!!!"
Elizea 15 years ago
  'Special thanks for Elizea for being so awesome'

Wouldn't that sound cool?
Treazer 15 years ago
  I think gundu should not just be admin lvl 1 i think he should be admin lvl 2 because its his game concept.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  I think once again you forgot about your as helper :D
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  I won't. I'm going to add you as admin as soon as I "finish" the game (I will probably add stuff to the game in the testing period). And of course put you in the game credits.
gundu 15 years ago
  Hey THeNiNJa! Don't forget me! :D
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  It's not a red diamond!
It's a ruby!
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Red diamond?

There's about the same in skam!
Sillius 15 years ago
  Haha WooHooII xD
But I agree I also want to know what it does :D
WooHooII 15 years ago
  I see an important-looking red diamond in the editor, but the menus don't stay open long enough for me to click on it.
It is taunting me. I must know what it does, no matter how long it takes!
gamelover101 15 years ago
  OK, so this game was draw?
Elizea 15 years ago
  He was tester in draw long time ago, that's why.
WooHooII 15 years ago
  Also, he's completed more official levels than actually exist.
PureTheLion 15 years ago
  wait... Akiller is has the game highscore, and he in not even a tester!
Im 15 years ago
  Because level over nine thousand admin doesn't exist? :P
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Why am I not level over nine thousand admin ????

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lineplus 16 years ago
  I can become a tester please ? :)
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