Play the games, create the levels

Topic, BonusLevel has changed! In a bad way =(

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gameinsky 15 years ago
  Please continue, I like it :D
gamelover101 15 years ago
  I understand.
Elizea 15 years ago
  Long ago there was Guy A.
He made a game called ABC.
Guy A was happy.

Guy B came to test the game.
He thought the game was super cool.
He made some average levels.

Guy C came.
Guy A had just finished making game DEF.
Guy C tried game DEF and thought it was super cool.
Guy C made some levels to it.

Guy B and C continued making levels to the games and enjoyed playing the levels.

But one day came Guy D.
He tried out game ABC and DEF but didnt find them cool.
He made few levels with were bad.
Guy A tried to help him make better levels but Guy D got angry and left the site.

Guy E came.
He was talented level maker.
He made very fast very good and very original levels.
Guy B and C came annoyed how the newbie E was so good.

Guy A had just finished his 3rd game GHI when guy D came back.
Guy D loved game GHI and made some levels to it.
They were very cool.

Guy E tried to make levels to GHI but he couldnt.
Guy D tried to help him to make better levels, but Guy E didnt want help, as he had seen the bad levels in games ABC and DEF made by Guy D.

Guy D got frustrated. He wasnt able to create acceptable level to games ABC and DEF, but he was still amazing in game GHI.

Guy A made his fourth game JKL.
In JKL no one was better in making levels than others.
Guy D and E started competion, as they both thought they were the best creator.

Guy A made Guy D admin in all 4 games.
Guy E got very frustrated.
Guy E started to...

--- oh wait, i think i have no end in this story, well thx for reading x), my point just was that people get frustrated when they thought they are good and them there comes someone who is as good or better, and then they start to have somekind of competition. Then some want-to-be-an-admin comes and says they have to stop.

Aye, the problem is that people want to be admins probably. I actually would vote that we get an user admin as JP doesnt have time to check each topic, it could help here a bit.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Well, I think the main probblem is that people act modish and get off-topic easely, then others say that it's offtopic (in an offencive way) and they act modish...
Hoping to be admin oneday...
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  Actually, gamelover and ThePeejster may be right...
there isnt that much negativity, theres more good then bad...

I think my main problem is Bl has become predictable. I can tell what exactly will happen, who will comment, and what they will say.

Its just boring to make levels now...
gameinsky 15 years ago
  I agree, BL before was much more fun.

Even mrmellons is seriousely more friendly than some of you.

Now I will tell names:

Demonicyoshi doesn't really like how people like Im act.
I personaly dislike how garygoh acts

"you should never have made this topic, and JP should limitate you in 3 commets a day"

Also admin can help on that, they can help people have trouble with their first levels, checking the list of comments for any possible red mark.

JP doesn't has much time for us, let's just stick togetter and turn BL into a nice place again!

I am working on quotes:

Im 20 days ago
gameisnky, do you think that was supposed to be funny? :O

gameinsky 20 days ago
It's a way of speaking...

Im 20 days ago
No, you don't go around and tell people "Yo, Bad password equals to Hacked".

Mrmellons send me that topic and complained about

I'm back for a bit
He did that in chat.

Notice the number of peoples saying "welcome back"
gamelover101 15 years ago
  me niether
ThePeejsterM 15 years ago
  I haven't seen any of that.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  When i first came to BonusLevel it was really fun. It was fun to make levels, read peoples comments, play other levels, and lator on, enter contests.

But now, it has become a huge competition. There is constant fighting and hate between players. People constantly try to become admins, murder noobs, and act like dictators.

If your a noob and haven't quit by now, i congradulate you. If BonusLevel was this way when i first came here i would have quit the first 10 seconds i got here.

I think we should drop out hate and go back to the old way. Instead of telling people how crappy there level is and rating a 1/5 or atempting to be better then someone else, we should just relax. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.


First post of the topic

demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  When i first came to BonusLevel it was really fun. It was fun to make levels, read peoples comments, play other levels, and lator on, enter contests.

But now, it has become a huge competition. There is constant fighting and hate between players. People constantly try to become admins, murder noobs, and act like dictators.

If your a noob and haven't quit by now, i congradulate you. If BonusLevel was this way when i first came here i would have quit the first 10 seconds i got here.

I think we should drop out hate and go back to the old way. Instead of telling people how crappy there level is and rating a 1/5 or atempting to be better then someone else, we should just relax. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
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