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Topic, The unescapable cage.

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dingdong 14 years ago
  But dead isn't end of everything. my try to escape is this games life after dead.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  the game died when SD tried to cheat at his own game by saying in his post the escape was successful
dingdong 14 years ago
  I think its time to stop this and start escaping the cage again (not using timetravelling, we'll just start the dicussion over)

I throw you out of the cage. when the guards try to put you back, i run past them.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  lol...opinions are a bit iffy(its relative to another opinion) but yes
birjo where'd you go?
[edit] the only thing not relative is numbers, and they aren't a physical thing
dingdong 14 years ago
  You said relative:

"Everything is relative."
(especially our opinions about this)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  no it doesnt everyone on earth is because the earth is
dingdong 14 years ago
  That depends on "We".
Hexicube 14 years ago
  technically yes but it should only be considered time-travel if you go at another speed
we are going at a few hundred thousand miles an hour(earth flying through space in orbit) but we consider ourselves stationary
[edit] in other words its relative to everything else
dingdong 14 years ago
  Marc: Then everyone is "timetravelling". We are just travelling at another speed
Hexicube 14 years ago
  no, think about it
if youre going 5mph and everyone else is going 10mph are you going backwards?
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Or... Everything else is moving through time slower than you, thus moving backwards in time. If everything but you moved forward in time, using your method, you would be moving backwards in time

[Edit] Ninja'd
Hexicube 14 years ago
  no, its considered time-travelling the same way going faster on a road is distance-travelling
dingdong 14 years ago
  Said in another way: everyone else is slower than you.
(maybe we should stop this. we are getting a bit offtopic)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  it is, you are going through time faster than everything else
dingdong 14 years ago
  I know, but i still don't see it as "timetravelling"
Hexicube 14 years ago
  SD another cage ate you
SuperDog 14 years ago
  I teleport out of the cage and NOT into another cage and I will NEVER, EVER get trapped in a cage and I no one will EVER try to catch me in a cage, and I will NOT get back into that cage and I will live HAPPILY EVER AFTER(except for the cage incident) and it wasn't a dream. Or a nightmare. Or an illusion. Or a halucination. It was totally real. And at that time, real was NEVER an illusion. Nothing was. So they didn't exist. And the teleport was not a lie and I got lost in my sentence so I thought up something new, and meanwhile the cage disappeared and didn't appear again.
dingdong 14 years ago
  Birjo, When?

Ive never seen it there.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  dingdong the atoms are time-travelling, in the atoms' point of view its half-life is the same but to everything else its longer, in other words for every second a time-traveller has 3 seconds actually pass
[edit] wow thats sounds like its for 5 year olds :_
its seemes as valid as nullity, used for an answer to 0/0
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  I read about it in Illustrated Science xD
dingdong 14 years ago
  That is maybe not timetravelling. its maybe just a way to let time go slow.

(I never heard about that white hole theory)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  tell you what, if you find a white hole i'll believe you, until then I wont and my theory is correct as there are black holes and they have actually proven time travel by accelerating radioactive atoms to near light-speed increasing their half-life
[edit] its a TV program where this 'doctor' who is a time lord travels through time battling evil and stuff, NOT a youtube thing
dingdong 14 years ago
  I eat the other cage before it ate me.

Marc: Laws of physics isn't very good. They also say that a bumblebee can't fly.

Birjo: a youtube serie.
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Well, as DingDong correctly stated, noone knows if the Laws of Physics are true. Several corrections has been added to it, simply to allow "impossible" actions

Who the fuck is Dr. Who?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  yes...youre thinking of wormholes and even then you cant use them for time travel as the laws of physics forbid backwards time travel due to risk of paradoxes
[edit] another cage ate you
[re-edit] birjo you watch Dr Who far too much :P
dingdong 14 years ago
  SD:"Nothing went wrong at all"= escaping the cage is wrong so you didn't escape. (please stop those comments and find something new)

I discover that there is no floor in the cage and I dig me out.

Edit: Birjo, i just send you back using the same rule.
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  ... No......
Hexicube 14 years ago
  no the theory is 2 black holes in alternate universes are connected and no time change occurs(even if you survive in the first place)
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  [Offtopic] @dingdong I meant black holes, sorry for the mistake. Which "way" in time you're moved depends on which kind of black hole you enter. The current belief is, that a black hole is directly connected to a white hole. A white hole is basically the opposite of a black hole. Therefore, white holes moves you in the opposite direction of black holes.

[Ontopic] But you can't do that, 'cause I say I want that rule implemented in The Great Book of Rules, and according to the Rules of BonusLevel, if I want something you make it happen

I now use the same rule to say that I want to get out of the cage
SuperDog 14 years ago
  The cage is running away with you inside.

I teleport out of the cage and NOT into another cage and I will NEVER, EVER get trapped in a cage and I no one will EVER try to catch me in a cage, and I will NOT get back into that cage and I will live HAPPILY EVER AFTER(except for the cage incident) and it wasn't a dream. Or a nightmare. Or an illusion. Or a halucination. It was totally real. And at that time, real was NEVER an illusion. Nothing was. So they didn't exist. And the teleport was not a lie and NOTHING WENT WRONG AT ALL!


First post of the topic

SuperDog 14 years ago
  Gameinsky and I have created a game. It started off in the chat, but then we decided to create a topic.

This is a game where you are a cat and you are trapped in a cage. One person says how he/she escapes, and the other person says that it's impossible and give a reason, and then try to escape using another way.

The cat has infinity lives.


You do not have to kill the cat every time.

I teleport myself out of the cage.

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