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Topic, Level "The Randomizer", game "Rolling Turtle"

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geckojsc 15 years ago
  I think that was just a coincidence...

Try entering the path at different times... Wait for long and short periods to increase the chance of getting a random pipe...

I personally think it doesn't make any difference, because the paths move so fast...
Jac1 15 years ago
  And now we have another problem: 4 times out of 5, I got the rightmost exit, so either it's a coincidence, either the randomizer dosen't deserve it's name...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Well I tried it before I uploaded it last time, and it worked five times straight! So you lot obviously have some shplooped up turtle!
My turtle always makes stuff work!

Try it one more time... I've done another update. (you have no idea how annoyed I am)
Jac1 15 years ago
  I agree with Sillius!

Ok geckojsc, you can now eat some dynamite, if you aren't already in pieces!
lololol 15 years ago
  You prbably right sillius.. you probably right..
Sillius 15 years ago
  Geckojsc you'll get a cookie if you can guess what happend to me the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time xD

2 things I love about this level:

1st it's a great level
2nd we get to annoy Geckojsc :D

Jac1 15 years ago
  Geckojsc, you can now eat a bomb...
murtaza64 15 years ago
  glitch again...

(edit) and again...
ercanii 15 years ago
lololol 15 years ago
  It happened 1 time out of 5.. so thats a litlle better than before.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  If this doesn't work I'll explode...

I reset the switches to their original size...
ilikerollingturtle 15 years ago
Jac1 15 years ago
  Tht's what we're talking about.
murtaza64 15 years ago
  my third try, i got stuck before any one challenge. the path was blocked by more ground.
Jac1 15 years ago
  geckojsc, are you doing this on PURPOSE? Because, on my 5th try...

Aaaand the 6th!

Now I got the glitch 5 times out of 9!!!!

6 out of 11 now!
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Ok, I've implemented Sillius's idea.
I also lowered the size of the switches a bit...
Jac1 15 years ago
  THAT's what you call "a ridiculously unlucky chain of errors"!

I got tht glitch on my first try too...
I have the felling tht this is getting worse and worse...

Guess wht happened the second try ...
Sillius 15 years ago
  Geckojsc I just got the "you've hit 2 switches at the same time" glitch on my 1st try :p

and the same glitch on 2nd try :D

guess what happened the 3rd time -.-

UUUUUUUH the 4th time something new happened... the same glitch now it's just to the left instead of right :p

You wouldn't get a bigger chance to go a certain way if you make that switch because of the small chance there is to miss the others... but it's your decision xD
rollingturtlelover 15 years ago
  the one where the hedgehog chases you is hard
Jordiekinsxxreal 15 years ago
  I just got the glitch. =[
Jac1 15 years ago
  Yes, but "you are more likely to hit the switches" dosen't mean "you ALWAYS hit the switches"...

I would like to see if the "idea" works...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  That might work, but it would make one route more likely that the other.

Making the switches bigger means you are more likely to hit them... I do have one more idea though...
Sillius 15 years ago
  Geckojsc why don't you just make another switch in the tube which will activate 1 of the ways and whenever you hit a switch this security switch disappears...

and yes I know I'm a genius xD
Jac1 15 years ago
  I'm not sure making the switches bigger will solve the problem...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  And guess what I just did!
Jac1 15 years ago
  After half a dozen of tries... guess what happened...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I've put the switches another two sizes up. You must have had a ridiculously unlucky chain of errors, because it works nearly every time for me...
Jac1 15 years ago
  Still happens...
And it happened on my 1st try since the 8th edit!
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I made the switches two sizes bigger, I just hope that we don't get the glitch where two tubes appear at the same time and you get stuck...
jondeelee 15 years ago
  I've run through the latest version a dozen times. The problems with triggering two switches simultaneously seem to have been fixed. But one out of those twelve times I did get what Jac1 noted: when I fell down the long tube, I ended up hitting a black dot and dying.

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geckojsc 15 years ago
  Enjoy my new level. I tried to put as much effort into it as possible to try and get it official.

I know the first part may very occasionally not work.

If you find any other bugs in the level, please let me know so I can correct them ASAP.
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