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Topic, Hacked accounts

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Mmmmmm 4 years ago
  Message removed...
murtaza64 14 years ago
allyally 14 years ago
  Close one! A hope you've got a stronger password now because if you get hacked they could almost destroy BL!
qameinsky 14 years ago
  I once get hacked but the hacker was stupid and dont changed my password! So i fast changed it before he do that! I know that i was hacked because i looked in my logs!
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  For not adding the "three trial password block" after DragonPower was deactivated, it will not be secures. But after 4 months, the 5 password block has proven to make BL to be safe. After nick0011 was hacked, Jim674 claimed that BonusLevel wasn't safe.
minimariner 14 years ago
  yeah, that is better having a certain amount of attempts to passwords.
jp 14 years ago
  SInce there is only 5 attempts to enter teh right password, we have a lot less problem with the hacker...
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  I can't believe it! Also, about 7 months ago, DragonPower sent jp the disruptive PM, and he commented the level and rated worst:

Quoting DragonPower from Level "My brothers 1st path"

gameinsky, kirrock75 had once an easy password, Mrmelons22 probably hack it and – he'll rate it 1/5.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  lol now there is 2 hackers?
gameinsky 14 years ago
  You know the hacker is afraid of kirrock75 ?He once wanted to hack him :O
But he stopped that.
If ever someone else get hacked it's not mrmellons, but a secod one.
SleathPilot 14 years ago
  jacobdec5( my friend.) was hacked.
gamelover101 15 years ago
  Did DragonPower know MrMelons22 was a hacker?

I think giving passwords like that is very risky
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  caoscaos12345 was unexpectantly hacked and his account was now deactivated.

(Reason: Sent "Fuck u all u r all fucking idiots.

Ps; im asteria" to Grind Up (Jump Gear 2))
Garygoh884 15 years ago

which translates to

"JP should block the "idiot" because DragonPower was hacked by the hacker. If JP doesn't, he was a liar."
Baby-yoshi 15 years ago
  Lol that is funny when you had it to 25 xD
Jac1 15 years ago
  He probably won't try that again...
Elizea 15 years ago
  jac1, that happened to me too when he was still adrianpeterson28 =P
Im 15 years ago
Not 25.
Jac1 15 years ago
  He did not give me his pass, he just wanted to!

And anyway, he wasn't DraPow yet, he was just AdrianPeterson25 or something
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  Wait a minute - Jac1 may hack someone's account to let Jac1 to do something bad for Adrian.
Jac1 15 years ago
  One day, in the chat, adrian wanted to give me his pass so that I could improve his scores on RT -_-
Elizea 15 years ago
  or then adrian wanted himself to get boosted in scores and gave his pw in chat to people... and to hacker
Sillius 15 years ago
  Why not? Jac1 actually has a point... AdrianDragonYoshi is the only 1 who has been hacked or at least the only 1 who has been hacked twice...
So either AdrianDragonYoshi knows this guy or maybe the hacker's just weird xD
pop12 15 years ago
  dont say that
Jac1 15 years ago
  Please, give this guy a break!

If he is DragonPower you should leave him alone!
Being hacked twice isn't cool!

And hiding the faect that he is DragonPower (if he is DragonPower) is a smart thing to do, because it is clear that the hacker is after him!
Im 15 years ago
Everybody knew it from the first moment we saw him! :P
I think... At least I did.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  @Gundu, I think yes because:

Firstly: He has the same avatar as DragonPower.

secondly: He cames at the same date as Dragonpower got hacked

Thirdly: He is as active as him.

Fourthly: He seems to know everyone.

Fifthly: His favorite character is yoshi (like DragonPower)

Sixthly: He is very affected by the deactivation of DragonPower.

Seventhly: He said in the chat he will come as Yoshie as new account.
Oxideee 15 years ago
  Baby-Yoshi/DragonPower/AdrianPeterson28 =] Stop giving your pass to people please and we would of found out it was you when you were ranked up high in JG2 scores with AP28 and DraPow
Baby-yoshi 15 years ago
  OMG!! D: :(
Elizea 15 years ago
  yes, gundu, he is adrian, but he didnt want that to be known xD

it fails kinda much as he cant even try to act like a new

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jp 15 years ago
  It seems many users complain about their account being hacked.

Please if your account has been hacked and you recovered it later, post here. I need to understand if somebody has found a way to hack the site or if you simply forgot to log out on a public computer (school, internet cafe, home (borthers/sisters)).

If you are the hacker, please post a PM to me to help me solve this security problem. It seems you didn't hurt the site too much so I hope you're a helpful person.
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