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Topic, Game, 'If push comes to shove...'

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Treazer 15 years ago
  I steal your hat and find the egg. I put the egg anywhere and you dont now where...
SuperDog 15 years ago
  I use the egg-magnet to steal the egg and put it in myhead

Now I'm thinking as an egg

EGG GGE GEGGEGG(the language)
Treazer 15 years ago
  i use my jet and get it!
I hide the egg in my jet and fly to egypt and buried the egg 500000 miles deep in the sand!
oldmanrob 15 years ago
  WTF it's almost christmas not easter. NO EASTER GAMES at CHRISTMAS!!!

Is the egg broken now?
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  Throws the egg to the sky above 1 mile.
Im 15 years ago
  Wow... So scared. I can take it since the picture is 2-dimensional. I TOOK IT!

Now........ It's..... Less than a proton!
Treazer 15 years ago
  then i rummage your underwear and the egg fall with the sand down and i get it. I put around the egg lasers that will kill you.

that will looks: (- = laser , O = egg)

Im 15 years ago
  I use an atomoscope and find the egg. I also take the egg. xP
I use sand to hide the egg in my underwear.
Treazer 15 years ago
  Now the egg is in my post!!! And i make it with a laser very very very small and i hide it..

Ahroo 15 years ago
  Okay, since you were the next to post, you have the egg. Now that I've posted, I have the egg as you haven't laid any restrictions on it. you can't steal the egg, you can only pass it to others... with some acceptions like restrictions.

for example:

rndm122:I haz da egg! I put glue on it and stick it to my hands!

mmoguy3:I use water to wash away your glue! now I have the egg, as you have to pass it now!

lmao3435: you didn't do anything, so I have the egg now!

It's basically the sane thing as 'steal the star' or 'steal the spoon from the person below you...', only it's about passing... with exeptions. xP
gamelover101 15 years ago
  i dont get this game, make an example
Ahroo 15 years ago
  What you have to do is simple. The one that has the egg by the 10000th post wins. However, you are only allowed to push the egg towards other people, you can not push it towards yourself. More of the rules are:

-egg cannot be broken
-egg cannot be eaten
-egg cannot be stolen
-egg can rebound off of walls(wtf?)
-egg can be hatched, however for only until the next person has the egg.
-egg is immediately passed to the person in the next post unless the previous holder of the egg has rigged up something.
-fake eggs can be made
-egg can be rigged with traps (explosives, glue and spikes, etc.)
-egg cannot be kept forever, under the restrictions of traps, charms or anything.

Keep your head in the game, and you may just win. play ball...erm, egg!

for now the egg is here, in my post.


First post of the topic

Ahroo 15 years ago
  What you have to do is simple. The one that has the egg by the 10000th post wins. However, you are only allowed to push the egg towards other people, you can not push it towards yourself. More of the rules are:

-egg cannot be broken
-egg cannot be eaten
-egg cannot be stolen
-egg can rebound off of walls(wtf?)
-egg can be hatched, however for only until the next person has the egg.
-egg is immediately passed to the person in the next post unless the previous holder of the egg has rigged up something.
-fake eggs can be made
-egg can be rigged with traps (explosives, glue and spikes, etc.)
-egg cannot be kept forever, under the restrictions of traps, charms or anything.

Keep your head in the game, and you may just win. play ball...erm, egg!

for now the egg is here, in my post.
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