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Topic, No words containing an "e" | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.![]() .# /|\ / \ so.. you saw how I look. So... My fav colour is black a lot and I haf it on my shirt too :) ROFLOLMAOMFGODDAMYOURANUSANTANGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is off-topic. Umm... on-topic...... I'm lost............... BAAAAAAAAAAAAHajhsbanbjdhgsbnsbfnyzfzsfbns I must say one          or a many (wtf? xD)... of things. First, I want to thank you all for not posting that char. That char sucks. Ha ha. Now, how many words? Many... I think. I do not know if this post contains more words, but... Um... Uh.... Oh, and you.... I don't know... 2nd, Gotta go! Sorry. I know you want Im on this topic, but I must go now. Btw, did I win? I wanna know, DID I WIN!? DID I!?!?!?!? imma sriuz did i win tll moi This topic has a good trick, but I don't fail, Bcuz I can do a post who is big, and without that char. words with that char, that is common. But not THAT common, lol! But I don't fail, I win, Bcuz I did most words without that char. So, you R on da 2nd spot, sorry, Im! That's why I am first! (I am da bomb!) (and da topic fails, titl is a fail)                          |"*Im_____*"| ![]() ![]() Yay I am writing without You-Know-What. So what now? Cuz I don't know what to do... ROFLOLMAOMFG! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Random... Dunno why... I know! -- --- ·-· ··· · -·-· --- -·· · L.t's just writ. a mors. cod. YOU-KNOW-WHAT. It's a dot :) Gr---at, Sup---rdog! ***|*********| ***|--*******|-- ***|*********| ***---*******--- From Wikip-dia, th- fr-- -ncyclop-dia Jump to: navigation, s-arch S-arch Wiktionary Look up t-xt in Wiktionary, th- fr-- dictionary. T-xt may r-f-r to: * Writt-n languag- or a lit-rary work * Plain t-xt * T-xt (lit-rary th-ory), a conc-pt in lit-rary th-ory and moar ![]() SD and Im can talk without using da 5th symbol in da alpha*yawns loudly* u n i r asum i n u r asum yaaaaaaaaaaaay! -sc F1 F2 F- F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Prt Scr Paus- Ins D-l ` 1 2 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - + Backspac- Hom- Tab Q W - R T Y U I O P [ ] -nt-r(top part) PgUp Caps Lock A S D F G H J K L ; ' # -nt-r(bottom part) PgDn Shift \ Z X C V B N M , . / Shift Up -nd Crrl Fn Windows Alt Spac-bar Alt Gr RightMous-Button Ctrl L-ft Down Right 3 FAAAAAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |