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Topic, Bonuslevel Fanfics

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jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Put this after my first fanfic:

The Ghost behind me (Part 2: Elizea the Ghost Buster)
After a really long trip to the cold Finland, somewhere in the north of Europe, like you know, I saw Elizea's house, everywhere snow. I was freezing, so it was better I called him fast. But he wasn't home, so I needed to go to his city to ask around: "Where is Elizea" and "Have you seen a Ghost Buster" or "Have some chocolate for me". Nobody knew, ecept the last, he knew where to find some chocolate: in a shop called "aezile". So I decided to buy some chocolate. And guess: in Aezile I found Elizea: with a Ghost Catcher. So I asked him two questions:
"Could you catch the Ghost Behind Me (GBM)?"
"Would you never limit me again?"
he only anwered the first question, and he took me to his house. When I came there: his house was burning. Some ectoplasm flood away through the snow. And who climbed out of the chimney: SANTA! So me and Elizea went to santa and asked him what happened. He said: "I was dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh. Over the fields I went, laughing all the way. But then i saw some fire, in Elizeas house. But I was too far from it, so it lookes like a mouse." It costed 3 hours to wake us, when we fainted because Santa sang bad. Meanwhile, Elizea's house was burnt down. So I, Santa, Elizea went to Holland.

Somewhere in Germany we found the Easter Bunny. He said, when he was eating some eggs and carrots: "I am on holiday here in Germany, but it's boring here. What are you three guys doing?" We said we were going to kill a ghost, so EB wanted to go with us. So I, santa, Elizea and Easter Bunny were going to Holland.

In Holland we found SinterKlaas (for everyne: Sinterklaas is an old man who gives presents to kids, together with his Black Piets at dec 5.) on his horse, walking on the roofs. He felt of his horse in my garden, and he asked what we were doing. I said we were going to kill a ghost in the ghost where he was walking on. So he asked if he could come with us. So I, Santa, Elizea, Easter Bunny and SinterKlaas and his horse were on the way to kill a ghost.

In my house we saw a ghost. So he asked: "What are you guys doing here, so i said: "We are going to kill a ghost." So he wanted to come with us. So I, Santa, Elizea, Easter bunny, SinterKlaas and his horse and a Ghost were on the way to... kill...... a..........ghost....................

"Wait, who was the last who came with us", I asked to Elizea. He answered: "Sinterklaas". But I said no. "Oh wait..." said Elizea, "it was a GHOST. Oh sh*t." Then I, Santa, Elizea, Easter Bunny, SinterKlaas, his horse were eye in eye with the ghost.

The fight began....
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Jasper's might need some grammar checkup. Try Word or something.

updated the rest
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  New One:

Hotel Shooters
I was bored, when I was taking a cup coffee. I decided to go on vacation, preferably in a hotel. The only hotel I knew was the BonusLevel Hotel, I heard that on television. So 2 days later I arrived at the hotel. Gamelover welcomed me in the lobby, where gundu and Gary were talking about BLockoban. I thanked GameLover and I entered the conversation. They were talking about new admins, so I was happy, after all succes on my BB levels. When it was about 23:15, I was tired and went to my room. Atidnight I heard a gunsound next to me. There was shot at my neighbours: Elizea and Allyally. So I ran into their room and everywhere BLOOD! But allyally and Elizea were gone. Also: their window was open, and I heard the sound of a driving car: allyally was kidnapped, so Ideciced to free him. I jumped out of the window...oh wait, I have no wings... But gundu saved me by pushing some blocks of the edge of the hotel beneath me (like in Push). I gave him chocolate and I took my bicycle. After 2 hours (with the car 1 hour) I saw allyally, and fire around him. So I helped him out, and there was the FirstPersonShooter: AK, with an AK in his hand. He tried to kill me, but I ran away to the hotel. I forgot my bicycle. After 4 hours (7:00) I arrived at the hotel, where Doctor MZ (Medic Zombie) checked allyally, but he was sleeping, but what happened?
Where is Elizea, why was allyally sleeping, what's wrong with AK and where the hell is my bicycle? See it next time in: Hotel Shooters 2
manufan 13 years ago
  An Odd Child - Part One (By Manufan)
gamelover101 13 years ago
  You may want to put this in paragraphs (edit). Will do later.
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  I have one:
The Ghost Behind Me (Part 1: The Mirror):
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Okay, whatever you say... LINKY it is.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  GL101 I had to link, its far too big to fit...
I also put it onto terrariaonline
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Our fanfic? Ask GIS, i dunno
manufan 13 years ago
  Can I be in it GL?
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Why link when you can post here?
gamelover101 13 years ago
  You're in it, as a red fish who's supposedly evil... :p
Masquerade 13 years ago

gamelover101 13 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago

We're writing part 3 of KNIVES and POISON! :D

Come see us live on chat! :D :D
gamelover101 14 years ago

Guess what I'm writing a fanfiction based on a hit TV series!
What is it based on?

So far, I'm making GREAT[/b[ progress! I finished 2 chapters and a prologue already! Stay tuned. :p
gamelover101 14 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Uh, it says: 4th November 2011
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Is WIP
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Nice, is it done? I need title too.

edit: Added SD's story :)
gameinsky 14 years ago
  31 August 2011

I wake up.
Last day of summer vacation.
The whole house is in a chaos "Hey, where are your nice pairof socks, tomorrow's he great day!"
I bet they only want to get rid of me.

1 September 2011

First day of school. Was boring. All the teachers presented themselves. How odd, we had exactly the same ones yesteryear.

6 September 2011

Homework. Homework. And homework again!
I bet they want to kill me! Who as the smartass to invent homework ?

11 September 2011

Todays been 10 year the twin towers fell.
the whole school is partying. Aren't we supposed to be sad the economical center of the world was destroyed ?

18 September 2011

The dog is hungry, my parents want to economise.
I had put my homework next to my dish, to study it while eating it.
My mother accidentally feed it to the dog instead of the restants of my dish. How am I going to explain this at school ?

19 September 2011

The gave me twice as much homework as usually, 'cause I had a bad excuse. Told that to my parents. Parents mad.
They said that it's my faulth. Fun... parents, and then they say they love you.

25 September 2011

I'm sick, going to the doctor tomorrow.

26 September 2011

Diagnose: acute viral rhinopharyngitis.
I was too afraid to ask what it actually was.

6th october 2011

Not sick anymore. Acute viral rhinopharyngitis means common cold. TT.

11th october 2011
Found a fancy site called BonusLevel, hyaaaaa!

15th october 2011
After playing 50 levels on Rolling turtle I made a level myself. Rejected, the editor is annoying.

19th october 2011
Tried another game and got an accepted level on it, yay!

27th october 2011
Today some noob drowned the forums, the forum mod went bersek.

4th November 2011
Some guy called erricamas said he would quit BL.

5th october 2011
Erricamas is back, the people of BL don't seem to be very happy with that.

This fanfic is WIP
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Urm, renove the title from the post, the title goes outside the spoilers.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  You can quote this into the first post.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  Once there was a small boy who ran away from home and left a note to his parents. He was quite brave and bold, so he thought he'd survive on the streets. He brought his laptop with him, so he turned it on and decided to make a game on BL. He used a lot of codes to make it. He was very active, so it was finally done after a few days. When he HAD finished it, there was a warning saying that the game had to be removed from BL, and then an error saying that it could not be removed. Then, 2 lines appeared out of nowhere on the screen, The right one was red, and the left line was blue. The boy was surprised, so instead he wrote a story called THE RANDOM SYNTAX STORY. He used a lot of classes.

You probably know how the story went...

Note from author: This story is RANDOM. Anything random there was, er, supposd to be random.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  I think I will start making some story, a diary, mostly funny.
After I finished reading adrian's mole and 13 and 3/4
read 115 pages on 1 day :P
gamelover101 14 years ago
  MIF, gimme teh story in one single post and I'll put it in.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  Nope, it's not finished
gamelover101 14 years ago
  K, put it in one post and I'll msgid link it.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Nice story Superdog, I definally liked the touch you did in the last part, is that story done ?


First post of the topic

gamelover101 14 years ago
  Fanfics are fun! And this is the place to write them! Be creative and share your Fanfics with each other! It doesn't have to be about BL...

NOTE: You may not have the best reading

experience if you read from the first post

section. Scroll to the last page :p

KNIVES (By gamelover101 and gameinsky)

Guys ABC & D (By Elizea)

An Odd Door (By gameinsky)

A Bloody Case (By Birjolaxew)

POISON (By gamelover101 and gameinsky)

The Story of Syntax (By SuperDog)

Trapped -- A Terraria Fanfic (By Hexicube)

Mozzy BL (By SuperDog)

The Ghost Behind Me (Part 1: The Mirror) (by jasperpostema)

Quoting manufan from Bonuslevel Fanfics
An Odd Child - Part One (By Manufan)
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