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Hexicube 15 years ago
  Q: What is x*y?
A: y*x.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  I made a flash calculator
niimporta 15 years ago
  √12345678987654321 is 111111111
PureTheLion 15 years ago
Lotta beans.
WTF I DONT LIKE BEANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Numa Numa Hey!!!
Q: Expand '21y(x*y)'
A: '21y ( x * y )'
Im 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
arrowswiss 15 years ago
  cool!!!!! not..
racersda 15 years ago
  Wait how did you do that anyways? The spam?

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Magic boxes!!!

Now I know how you did those weird lines....

arrowswiss 15 years ago
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  The forum has officially been taken over by my 12 posts in a row! Muahahahahahahaha!!!
SuperDog 15 years ago

Próba means Try in Polish
Im 15 years ago
  Ok, but what's Próba...?
0_0 15 years ago
  mud coffee???? 0_0
racersda 15 years ago
  Who wants to hear a true/fake EPIC FAIL!?

*quickly* Okay so one time, I was getting mud so I can make a mud pie, and I scooped it in a cup, then I forgot about it and I thought the mud-filled cup was coffee so I drank it and then I was like "Wait why is there a worm in my coffee...Aw well" and continued drinking it. True/fake story! *normal speed* There's my story of an EPIC FAIL!

*quickly again* So give me all your money cause you listened to my EPIC FAIL that wasn't so fake/true or anything so in other words applesauce will take over the world because peanutbutter won't give it any salad dressing and I drank Mud-Coffee =D!!!!
*normal speed* So I get money now right? Yay!

*comercial fast* Please note that I didn't really drink Mud-Coffee and that we're not responsible for any urges you get to drink Mud-Coffee or any dreams you get about drinking Mud-Coffee with worms in them. We are also not responsible for any nightmares about giving me your money.
arrowswiss 15 years ago

this isn't a spoiler
Im 15 years ago

Let's all sing for the glitch spoiler! :D

WTF!? Not glitchy anymore? o_O
allyally 15 years ago
  of corse you do realize this means war...
racersda 15 years ago
  Who wants to hear a true/fake EPIC FAIL!?

*quickly* Okay so one time, I was getting mud so I can make a mud pie, and I scooped it in a cup, then I forgot about it and I thought the mud-filled cup was coffee so I drank it and then I was like "Wait why is there a worm in my coffee...Aw well" and continued drinking it. True/fake story! *normal speed* There's my story of an EPIC FAIL!
Im 15 years ago
racersda 15 years ago
  Ruff, Ruff Ruff, I'm a rabbit! Ruff Ruff...
Im 15 years ago
racersda 15 years ago
  Cheddar, Munster, Monzerella, (HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT!!! I DON'T KNOW I'M JUST A FLYING COW, MOO-CAW MOO-BU-CAW!!!) Cheeeeeese, Applesauce, Peanutbutter, Ketchup...
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Cheddar, Emmentaler, Cammembert, Gouda...
Im 15 years ago
SuperDog 15 years ago
  =D =D =D =D =D =D =D
Im 15 years ago
  Yes, I do.
SuperDog 15 years ago
  So.... do you believe me?
Im 15 years ago
  C'mon! I said please! ;'(
Im 15 years ago


First post of the topic

niimporta 15 years ago
  Here you can post EVERYTHING you wan't.
So, let's GO!

**!!Knobs are allowed, but only if you use them with parsimony!!**

Ideas to post:

Pictures of the editor of levels
Something about games
Interesting stuff (like The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can)
Funny things
Funny Pictures
Funny videos
Funny histories
Or not funny histories
Spam (like PIE PIE PIE...)
and more..
Weird thing from other language (like PIE means feet in spanish..)
Do what U wan't, but don't insult!
And no flooding, we don't want to get drowned in messages (flooding = posting big messages)

1 visits from 1 Visitors on this topic, 52 minutes after the topic was created*

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