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You must register or log in to post a message.10007 1021 zetta Z 1991 Sextillion | Trilliard 1000000000000000000000 10006 1018 exa E 1975 Quintillion | Trillion 1000000000000000000 10005 1015 peta P 1975 Quadrillion | Billiard 1000000000000000 10004 1012 tera T 1960 Trillion | Billion 1000000000000 10003 109 giga G 1960 Billion | Milliard 1000000000 10002 106 mega M 1960 Million | 1 000 000 10001 103 kilo k 1795 Thousand | 1000 10002â„3 102 hecto h 1795 Hundred 100 10001â„3 101 deca da 1795 Ten 10 10000 100 (none) (none) NA One 1 1000−1â„3 10−1 deci d 1795 Tenth 0.1 1000−2â„3 10−2 centi c 1795 Hundredth 0.01 1000−1 10−3 milli m 1795 Thousandth 0.001 1000−2 10−6 micro µ 1960 Millionth 0.000001 1000−3 10−9 nano n 1960 Billionth | Milliardth 0.000000001 1000−4 10−12 pico p 1960 Trillionth | Billionth 0.000000000001 1000−5 10−15 femto f 1964 Quadrillionth | Billiardth 0.000000000000001 1000−6 10−18 atto a 1964 Quintillionth | Trillionth 0.000000000000000001 1000−7 10−21 zepto z 1991 Sextillionth | Trilliardth 0.000000000000000000001 1000−8 10−24 yocto y 1991 Septillionth | Quadrillionth 0.000000000000000000000001 ___#### ___#### ___#__# ___##_# ___##_# ___#_## ___##_# ___#### ___#_## ___#### ___#_## ___##_# ___#_## ___##_# ___#### The Newest user here on Bonuslevel is __WWW___WW___WWW___EEEEEE___EEEEEE___!!__ __WWW___WW___WWW___EE_______EE_______!!__ __WWW___WW___WWW___EEEE_____EEEE_____!!__ ___WWW__WW__WWW____EEEE_____EEEE_____!!__ ____WWWWWWWWW____ _EE_______EE___________ _____WWWWWWW_______EEEEEE___EEEEEE___!!__ | GeneralFirst post of the topicSo, let's GO! **!!Knobs are allowed, but only if you use them with parsimony!!** Ideas to post: Pictures of the editor of levels Something about games Interesting stuff (like The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can) Funny things Funny Pictures Funny videos Funny histories Or not funny histories Spam (like PIE PIE PIE...) and more.. Weird thing from other language (like PIE means feet in spanish..) Do what U wan't, but don't insult! And no flooding, we don't want to get drowned in messages (flooding = posting big messages) visits from Visitors on this topic, 52 minutes after the topic was created* |