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Im 15 years ago
  Apple feet! o.O
SuperDog 15 years ago
  In poland, it depends on what type of pie it is

apple pie in english - szarlotka in polish :)

Did you know that I knew that that you knew that I knew that???(Fun begins now)
niimporta 15 years ago
  ple = Pie in english or pie in spanish?

PIE in english = Pastel in Spanish
SuperDog 15 years ago
  In poland, we don't have pie but we have ple

All polar bears are left handed omg
niimporta 15 years ago
  Yeah, you know my PIE are different than yours... LOL
Im 15 years ago
  PIE is awesome!
niimporta 15 years ago
  PIE mean feet in spanish

Come on, let's post!
It's fun! ^^
Im 15 years ago
gameinsky 15 years ago
  The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can xD
niimporta 15 years ago
  Thanks, you can post pictures, something funny of your day, funny histories, funny stuff, etc...
SuperDog 15 years ago

lets talk about jg2

awesome picture, man
niimporta 15 years ago
  I post a picture of a level:

1 of the level 3336-Auto (Jump Gear 2)
niimporta 15 years ago
  Here you can post EVERYTHING you wan't.
So, let's GO!

**!!Knobs are allowed, but only if you use them with parsimony!!**

Ideas to post:

Pictures of the editor of levels
Something about games
Interesting stuff (like The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can)
Funny things
Funny Pictures
Funny videos
Funny histories
Or not funny histories
Spam (like PIE PIE PIE...)
and more..
Weird thing from other language (like PIE means feet in spanish..)
Do what U wan't, but don't insult!
And no flooding, we don't want to get drowned in messages (flooding = posting big messages)

1 visits from 1 Visitors on this topic, 52 minutes after the topic was created*



First post of the topic

niimporta 15 years ago
  Here you can post EVERYTHING you wan't.
So, let's GO!

**!!Knobs are allowed, but only if you use them with parsimony!!**

Ideas to post:

Pictures of the editor of levels
Something about games
Interesting stuff (like The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can)
Funny things
Funny Pictures
Funny videos
Funny histories
Or not funny histories
Spam (like PIE PIE PIE...)
and more..
Weird thing from other language (like PIE means feet in spanish..)
Do what U wan't, but don't insult!
And no flooding, we don't want to get drowned in messages (flooding = posting big messages)

1 visits from 1 Visitors on this topic, 52 minutes after the topic was created*

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