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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.... ... ... ... ... Transport_failed Retrying ... ... ... ... ... Save_successful Command_not_obeyed Executor=fired Executor=THeNINJa THeNINJa_on_fire Computer_overheating Computer_on_fire Connection_established Please_input_code ****** Code_incorrect The_code_is_****** Does_that_make_any_difference? Errrrrrm_..._no Connection_established Star_hacked_by_Jac1 Welcome_to_the_hacking_program Have_a_nice_day searchig , loading wait wait wait wait Critical error downloading halted WTF! search THeNINJa star location found! preparing nuclear bomb And here we go again , i go sleeping Yes Friend, until someone comes and repairs the computer the game's over. in: Happy_place¿ = biiib_boob_baab_biib_boob! :Sending impossible question to other computerzzz::If_a_man_could_do_everything_in_the_world_ Could_he_then_make_a_stone_so_heavy_that_he_can't_Lift_it?: Computers:: Yes?_no!?_Possibly?_question=impossible! Can't_find_an_answer! *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*!=Answer+-+:no_answer_(muahahaha) Searching.. Searching.. Found virus. - sending - sending ..█1% - ████████████100% Status:_Completed._(weeee) Lazer=Shooting_in_10-9_minutes=1_Minute! Lazer=Full_Battery - Check√ Lazer=Deadly_Lazer_Beam - Check√ Activating. killing everyone! :star=with_lololol_the_great=Computer_Accomplished_Mission: Everything teller.exe Everything changer.exe ---Everything teller.exe--- ---Everything changer.exe--- {Undelete_ObjStar X_574 Y_973} NewStarOwner=SuperDog Shouldn't the only dead person be me? (read back in the thread and I'm sure you'll agree) i'm the only survivor i know i still lost, but so did everyone else, the star is destroyed you have 4 minutes left to live so use this tie well! erm about 3:45 now -_- The star was inside, meaning the you've lost the game, while everyone else are winners! EPIC FAIL! Meaning you can still fix the computer and get the star back again... hello, welcome to location destruction. insert a area to destroy *types in 'THeNINJa'* {loading} . .. ... .... . .. ... .... . .. ... .... download complete choose weapon *types in nuclear bomb* Area={THeNINJa}weapon={nuclear} LOADING please wait . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... DOWNLOAD Area complete {typing in command nuclear_bomb} More order ? *me:Get the star!* Now typing={order=get_the_star} Launching in 10 9 8 7 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0 *explosion* See you next time THeNINJa! (3:37)- open- secret program- realworld materilizer (3:37) Materilize demonicyoshi- location realworld (3:38)-open/tracking cookie. (3:39)-SENDING COMPUTER LOCATION (3:42)-LOCATION RECEIVED.... (3:50) BZZZZ... BZZZ.. SHHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... (3:50)INTERNAL FAILURE. CONTROLBOARD DESTROYED. (3:51)FINAL MESSAGE SENT- demonicyoshi- to- http://www.bonuslevel.org/forum/topic_8337.html- ha ha i destroyed the computer! Now that i was the only one outside of the computer you all die Access Granted - Welcome ADMIN What would you like to do? TYPE_IN_COMMAND COMMAND.PLANT_VIRUS = "NiNJaNATOR_3.EXE, INTERNAL SYSTEM" PLANTING VIRUS - PLEASE BE PATIENT 1... 2... 3... VIRUS SUCCESSFULLY PLANTED ERASING ALL COMPONENTS (Including READ ONLY programs) > HA > HA > HA > YOUR SYSTEM HAS BEEN TERMINATED XD INTERNAL SYSTEM TERMINATED STAR_MALFUNCTION !STAR !STAR !STAR !STAR COMMAND.SHUTDOWN SHUTTING DOWN - PLEASE BE PATIENT 1... 2... 3... --- > Better make someone fix the system... star location= StarPos_X=7 StarPos_Y=7 change limit= exeeded limit overload= target post erased PROCESSING ERROR... REQUEST= StarPos_X=7 StarPos_Y=7 //X=7 Y=7 Is my position NewStarOwner=SuperDog CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} =ERASED RESULTS= star location= (-341) (+984) (ps this is my earlier READ ONLY program acting not me) PROCESSING LOGIN... Login Failure - Incorrect Password Please retype login... request_login ADMIN ******** Access Granted - Welcome ADMIN What would you like to do? TYPE_IN_COMMAND COMMAND.terminate_subject = "subject_demonicyoshi" ERASING DATA - PLEASE BE PATIENT 1... 2... 3... TARGET SUCCESSFULLY TERMINATED What would you like to do? TYPE_IN_COMMAND COMMAND.restore_subject = "subject_star" RESTORING SUBJECT - PLEASE BE PATIENT 1... 2... 3... TARGET SUCCESSFULLY RESTORED COMMAND.set_subject_beholder = "subject_star, THeNiNJa" SETTING BEHOLDER - PLEASE BE PATIENT 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! Retrying... 1... ERROR - INVALID TARGET! COMMAND.ABORT_CURRENT_COMMAND ABORTING... COMMAND.set_subject_beholder = "subject_star, Sillius" SETTING BEHOLDER - PLEASE BE PATIENT 1... 2... 3... BEHOLDER SUCCESSFULLY SET What would you like to do? TYPE_IN_COMMAND COMMAND.EXIT Thank you for using TECH_PROMPT_3K! LOGGING OFF... EXITING PROGRAM... StarPos_Y=7 //X=7 Y=7 Is my position NewStarOwner=SuperDog CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} CreateObj_Turret {IfOnPos_X=7_Y=7 is NotObj_SuperDog DeleteObj_whateverontheplaceis} star location= (Star._x = x_position Star._y = y_position Star._z = z_position Star._4thdim = 4thdimension_position) change limit= exeeded limit overload= target post erased PROCESSING ERROR... REQUEST= new x_position new y_position new z_position new 4thdimension_position var x_position = 2040868393902039 var y_position = 38680002993 var z_position = 8983484800001 var 4thdimension_position = 2923000001200120 if (!starismine) { THeNiNJa._x = x_position THeNiNJa._y = y_position THeNiNJa._z = z_position THeNiNJa._4thdim = 4thdimension_position Star._x = x_position Star._y = y_position Star._z = z_position Star._4thdim = 4thdimension_position =ERASED RESULTS= star location= (-341) (+984) TheNinja location= (-341) (+984) new y_position new z_position new 4thdimension_position var x_position = 2040868393902039 var y_position = 38680002993 var z_position = 8983484800001 var 4thdimension_position = 2923000001200120 if (!starismine) { THeNiNJa._x = x_position THeNiNJa._y = y_position THeNiNJa._z = z_position THeNiNJa._4thdim = 4thdimension_position Star._x = x_position Star._y = y_position Star._z = z_position Star._4thdim = 4thdimension_position } Muwhabahahzazaza! I'm in another location at the 4th dimension! You'll never gwhet mehz 'n' them star! :D:D:D star location= SuperDog change limit= exeeded limit overload= target post erased PROCESSING ERROR... REQUEST= Line 1 SuperDog=mouthpos=false Line 2 StarPos=SuperDog Line 3 ChangeColorStar=FFFFFF Line 4 IfStarColor=*Not*FFFFFF Line 5 RedoLine=number3 =ERASED RESULTS= star location= (-341) (+984) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit-move-infinate food suply/location(-314)(+984) (i just thought you guys would like some food, it sounds like you're already resorting to canibalism) Line 2 StarPos=SuperDog Line 3 ChangeColorStar=FFFFFF Line 4 IfStarColor=*Not*FFFFFF Line 5 RedoLine=number3 Command.move=true If above is true do next: Move.Everyone.to= (-341 (+984) Do next Command.lock=true If above is true do next (again): Lock.Everyone.at.location.(-314)(+984) BROADCAST: Ha now I moved everyone in to Demonicyoshi's post so know we all have the star ! | GeneralFirst post of the topicACT=+FORUM_GAME +STAR -FAKE_STAR There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post! Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins! Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules: Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages. Do not change the rules in a code or script. To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class] |
If line1 or line2 or line3 or line4 or line5 wrong=DoNext
trojan999-Impossible to beat
trojan999-Impossible to beat
trojan999-Impossible to beat
trojan999-Impossible to beat
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