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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.loseword=Microsoft Word winword= Microsoft Word You're already dead. The document's been proofed I don't think anyone will go to your funeral, happy death! loseword detected. Document is therefore faulty, and shall be ignored. run capturestar.exe ![]() winword=Microsoft Word You're already dead. The document's proofed I dont think anyone will go to your funeral, happy death! You're already dead. The document's proofed I dont think anyone will go to your funeral, happy death! IS NOT AN EXE. D:\AhroosFuneral.doc has been ignored. REASON: Not an exe, has no function in exe code. Run capturestar.exe Star captured. ![]() False information corrected. start winword.exe "D:\AhroosFuneral.doc" start winword.exe -newdoc You're already dead. The document's proofed I dont think anyone will go to your funeral, happy death! Microsoft Word is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation target: D:\AhroosFuneral.doc target inspected, proven false. D:\AhroosFuneral.doc ignored. run capturestar.exe star captured. ![]() You missed! You hit a wall, making a piece of debris fall on you! start winword.exe "D:\AhroosFuneral.doc" start stealstar.exe target: gamelover101's supershield target obliterated. run capturestar.exe star captured run halorings.exe activate HALO rings sub-ERROR: Halo rings do not exist! run fire_cannon.exe Firing Ion cannon. world obliterated. ![]() So, my plans backfire... A big piece of debris got blew up and landed on you, killing you and your computer start stealstar.exe -quickmode But then a big piece of debris got blew up and landed on you, killing you and your computer Is not in code! Run capturestar.exe ERROR: star not found. Run makestar.exe Star made. Run capturestar.exe ERROR: star already captured. ![]() Activating revive.exe Target: Ahroo revival complete. initiate killuser.exe target: gamelover101 how would you like to kill your target? 1. microwave brain 2. weld heart valves 3. CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ultimate wipe the universe clean hyper beam 4. exit program option 3 chosen. preparing CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ultimate wipe the universe clean hyper beam... aquiring target. target aquired. beam ready continue with option to obliterate the entire universe? 1. yes 2. no option 1 chosen. firing beam. universe wiped clean of everything except for this the 33.555555556 cubic meters around this installation. have a nice day and thank you for using Dell programmable self intelligence. ![]() Welcome to the indestructable, unblockable, emergency rescue programs created by gamelover101. Please choose an program: limituser.exe stealstar.exe killuser.exe textedit.exe shieldctrl.exe shieldctrl.exe -deactivatealluser This command deactivates the shields of a specific user Choose user: Ahroo killuser.exe User: Ahroo Killed! start stealstar.exe Error 666: star already stolen now shuddup or bullshitsheild.exe will recognise YOU as bull. Though it already has... ![]() Well, I was revived, so... I grab a different computer, one with much better software, and is virus proof! bullshitsheild.exe is still active, so there is no use of textedit.exe files, killuser.exe files, limituser.exe files and other retarded things, in this case it's you, gamelover101. your interactions to my computer are thoroughly blocked with CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ultimate softwre protection and blocking software! >:D anyways is not in code! start killuser.exe User: Ahroo Killed! I grab a different computer, one with much better software, and is virus proof! bullshitsheild.exe is still active, so there is no use of textedit.exe files, killuser.exe files, limituser.exe files and other retarded things, in this case it's you, gamelover101. your interactions to my computer are thoroughly blocked with CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ultimate softwre protection and blocking software! >:D anyways: start overridesheild.exe welcome to override sheild! please select the program you want to protect from overrides, disables and other functions that hamper its status. target: bullshitsheild.exe protected! thanks for using override sheilding software. your bill will be sent in two months' time. ![]() Welcome to Mr Virus! Your computer is immune to viruses. Choose the computer you want to infect. User: Ahroo Self-intelligence destroyed. Computer infected. ![]() You cant run programs when your dead! User: Ahroo revived! Start bullshitsheild.exe All Bullsh*t has been blocked, this includes any textedit.exe files, killuser.exe files, limituser.exe files and all other things that are retarded (I'm looking at YOU, gamelover101). ![]() User: Ahroo Killed! start killuser.exe User: SuperDog Killed! start emergencyrescue.exe Welcome to the indestructable, unblockable, emergency rescue programs created by gamelover101. Please choose an program: limituser.exe stealstar.exe limituser.exe -deactivate User: gamelover101 Deactivated! stealstar.exe plox=false plox=SUCK plox=CODECODE=CODE=either true or false, cuz it makes the same effect No one realy stole the star for a few posts... *blocks gamelover101* so I have it I forcibly reboot the game and limit you so you can't do anything DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE. THAT IS NOT IN CODE. start bullshitsheild.exe all bullsh*t blocked, including limituser.exe and textedit.exe. It is, just readable code. If you want non-readible code, consult a binary translation. ![]() You were limited to suspended animation, you can't cry, either. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT DELETABLE, OVERRIDEABLE OR ABLE TO BE TAKEN OFF OF YOUR COMPUTER. DOING SO WILL CAUSE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING TO EXPLODE IN A GORY MESS IS NOT IN CODE | GeneralFirst post of the topicACT=+FORUM_GAME +STAR -FAKE_STAR There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post! Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins! Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules: Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages. Do not change the rules in a code or script. To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class] |
start textedit.exe
You're already dead.
The document's been proofed
I don't think anyone will go to your funeral, happy death!